area setup:
source /cvmfs/
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc700
cmsrel CMSSW_10_3_1_patch3
cd CMSSW_10_3_1_patch3/src
mkdir UserCode
cd UserCode
git clone [repo]
mkdir prefiltered_trees
to compile: scram b
First run!
It runs over data and mc samples in lstore
right now for B+
to run over other samples, change inputs
It loops over the data or mc samples, flattening the tree, applying the selection, and writing a new tree with less variables
running example: selection_skimmer --colsyst PbPb --mc 0 --channel 1
Then you can run over the outputs of selection_skimmer that are in prefiltered_trees
It applies a sideband subtraction method to the data and then compares the result with the monte carlo distributions
First do:
mkdir mc_validation
mkdir mc_validation/sideband_sub
To run:
Some important git commands:
git add [files]
git commit -m ["message"]
git push origin master (vai online)
Create remote repository and import files
git remote add [repository name] [repository address]
git pull [repository name]