🥇 Java Basics
- Introduction, basic feature, JVM concepts
- Primitive data types
- Java operators
- expressions, statements
- arrays
🥈 Object oriented concepts
- Class and Objects
- creating objects
- assigning object reference variable
- Introducing methods
- Static methods
- constructors types
- overloading constructors
- this keyword
- using objects as parameters
- argument passing
- returning objects
- method overloading
- garbage collection
🥉 Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Inheritance Basics
- multilevel inheritance
- Access control
- method overriding
- abstract Classes
- Polymorphism
- Final keyword
🥇 Packages
- Defining package
- Package naming
- Accessibility of Packages
- using Package members
🥈 Interfaces
- Implementing interfaces
- Interface and Abstract Classes
- Extends and Implements together
🥉 Exceptions Handling
- Exception
- Handling of exceptions
- Using try/catch
- Catching multiple exceptions
- Types of exceptions
- Throwing exceptions
- Writing exceptions
- Subclasses
🥇 Multithreading
- Introduction
- The main thread
- Java thread model
- Thread priorities
- Synchonization in Java
- later thread communication
🥈 I/O in Java
- I/O Basics
- Streams and Stream Classes
- The predefined streams
- Reading from, and
- Writing to
- Console reading, and
- Writing files
- The transient and Volatile modifiers
- Using instance of Native Methods
🥉 Strings and characters
- Fundamentals of Characters and Strings
- the String Class
- String Operations
- Data Conversion using Value or Methods
- String Buffer Class and Methods
- 2 Write a program that prompts a user for an integer, and then prints all the Prime numbers up to that integer
- 3 Write a program to multiply two given matrices.
- 4 Write a program that reads a line of integers, and then displays each integers and then sum of all the integers (using StringTokenizer class from java.util)
- 5 Write a program that checks weather a given String is a Palindrome or not.
- 6 Write a program for sorting a given list of names in ascending order.
- 7 Write a program to make frequency count of words in a text.
- 8 Write a program that read a file name from the user, then displays the information about: whether the file exists, whether the file is readable, whether the file is writable, the type of file and the length of file in bytes.
- 9 Write a program that reads a file and displays the file on screen with a line number before each line.
- 10 Write a program that displays the number of characters, lines and words in a text file.