To start application type
yarn run dev
OR npm run dev
To start application type
yarn run prod
OR npm run prod
Open your browser and find app loaded on localhost
- Build
- Board must to be in CSS
- Loading screen (bonus)
- git (required)
- follow
- npm run build should deliver —> distributed files (html, css, js)
- You might use (grunt, gulp.js, rollup or webpack)
- Layout must be in Flex (no browser restrictions)
- Bonus
- Grid system
- Animations
- Blink
- CSS Preprocessor
- Less, Sass, etc.
- Vanilla JS
- Usage of Promises
- Forbidden
- jQuery or any modern framework
- Nice to have
- Eslint, prettify, jshint, prettify, or jscs
- Optional
- Typescript or Flow
- Use ES6,7 latest chrome features
- No cross browsing compatibility required
- Bonus
- Transpile either Typescript or Babel
- IA
- All resources must be preloaded before any user interaction
- Game Start asking your name and onKeypress enter display the board
- Machine always starts
- 6 (y) x 7 (x) grid
- Winner must be displayed in a dialog
- Sound using WebAudio API
- User will choose the column with the mouse
- Bonus
- Use touch events
- Restart button after finish
- Be able to restart game anytime (reload page is not valid)
- Bonus
- commit Messages well formatted
- Good usage of git tags