We're making good progress toward our next big release. In the meantime, we've tackled a few bugs to make Slice Machine even more robust. If you want an update on our ongoing work, visit prismic.io/progress.
Bug fixes ⚙️
We fixed the following bugs:
- A bug that caused an error when users tried to simulate a Slice variation that had not been saved to the file system. Users now have to save variations first
- A bug that caused a reset of all mock data saved when you created a new variation for a Slice
- A bug when taking a screenshot with multiple images where images didn't finish loading before the screenshot was taken and some didn't appear in the screenshot
- A bug with the Select field that was causing an app freeze when typing fast in the field settings
- A bug that was letting users create duplicate Custom Types and Slices tabs with the same name
- A bug that was preventing users to move fields properly in the list
We also fixed wording issues in the login modals.