This is a social-media application (CRUD application) build with FastAPI web framework.
Users will be able to,
- Register in the application
- Login
- Create posts
- Read posts
- Update their posts
- Delete their posts
- Vote on posts
- Unvote on posts
This is basically a back-end application. So it is a Dockerized REST API with a database deployed in Heroku and Ubuntu as well. (In theory, you could build a front-end on top of it with something like React or Angular.)
FastAPI in short is a lightweight, fast webframework for building APIs.
- Postgres
- Postman
- Docker
- Heroku
- Ubuntu
- SwaggerUI
- Python
- FastAPI web framework
Python Libraries:
- Fastapi
- Pydantic
- SQLAlchemy
- Email-validator
- Psycopg2
- Pytest
- Uvicorn
- Alembic
- Httptools
- Cryptography
- Oauth2