A Proctoring layer that can be integrated into any EdX exam (preferably in timed exams). Also saves the images of cheating instances to some directory to allow future reference and cross - validation. Implemented as an Internship project as a part of IITBombayX team.
- OpenCV 2.4.9
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv
Copy cv.py,cv.pyc, cv2.x86 64-linux-gnu.so from local to virtual environment site packages
- dlib Github proxy settings:
- git config –global http.proxy http://proxyuser:[email protected]:8080
- git config –global https.proxy https://proxyuser:[email protected]:8080
- git config –global ftp.proxy ftp://proxyuser:[email protected]:8080
- git config –global url.”https://”.insteadOf git://
Wget proxy settings:
- Open /.wegtrc file
- use proxy=on
- http proxy= proxyuser:[email protected]:8080
- https proxy= proxyuser:[email protected]:8080
- ftp proxy= proxyuser:[email protected]:8080
Install dlib:
- clone dlib repository in proctor folder
- sudo apt-get cmake
- cd dlib-18.16/python examples
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ../../tools/python
- cmake –build . –config Release
- sudo cp dlib.so /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
- Copy dlib.so virtual environment site packages
- Torch (to be installed in desktop environment without using sudo) if trying to install second time due to some failure for first time remove cache of luarocks
- sudo rm -rf /.cache/luarocks
- git clone https://github.com/torch/distro.git /torch –recursive
Change permissions of torch folder by sudo chmod 777 torch
- cd /torch; bash install-deps;
- ./install.sh
- source /.bashrc
- ln -s /root/torch/install/bin/th /usr/local/bin/th
- Dependencies of neural networks :
luarocks install dpnn
luarocks install nn
luarocks install optim
luarocks install csvigo
luarocks install tds
luarocks install torchx
luarocks install optnet
- Openface (to be installed in desktop environment)
- git clone https://github.com/cmusatyalab/openface.git
- Inside Openface folder - sudo python2 setup.py install
- Copy openface from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages to venv/lib/python2.7
- In openface folder run - sudo models/get-models.sh
- Pranav Dixit (https://github.com/prnvdixit)
- Siva Donkada (https://github.com/sivadonkada)
- Hemanth Katari (https://github.com/hemanthkatari97)