Releases: process-analytics/bpmn-layout-generators
⚡ This new version improves the layout of edges and the SVG export. ⚡
Breaking changes
No longer support JDK 8 and JDK 11.
These versions are at the end of their life cycle, or will be soon, so we don't want to put any effort into them.
The R package is currently not available for this version. Only the jar is available.
To follow the issue, see #134.
Technical change
As of version 0.2.0, the git tags follow the vx.y.z convention.
Previously, they followed the bpmn-layout-generator-x.y.z convention.
Previously, it was possible to have vertically incoming and vertically outgoing edges on the same shape.
This made it difficult to distinguish one from the other. This usually happened on gateways.
To easily identify the two edge types, only incoming edges can now be connected vertically.
Outgoing edges always start with a small horizontal segment.
before | now |
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![]() |
ℹ️ For more details, see #128.
SVG export
Previously, a simple circle was displayed to identify the target shape.
Using an arrow better matches the usual BPMN rendering
before | now |
ℹ️ For more details, see #129.
JDK support
This release adds support for JDK 17 and JDK 21. This will ease the usage of bpmn-layout-generator
with supported versions of Java.
What's Changed
🎉 New Features
- feat(waypoints): avoid edge overlapping shapes in more use cases by @tbouffard in #90
- feat: add support for JDK 17 and JDK 21 by @tbouffard in #119
- feat: display arrow in SVG export by @tbouffard in #129
- feat: better identify incoming and outgoing edges by @tbouffard in #128
📝 Documentation
- doc: update project description in README by @tbouffard in #88
- doc(R): improve installation guide by @tbouffard in #93
- docs: improve README by @tbouffard in #126
- docs: improve usage and release process by @tbouffard in #131
📦 Dependency updates
- chore(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.13.2 to 2.15.0 in /java by @dependabot in #98
- chore(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0 in /java by @dependabot in #99
- chore(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.16.0 to 2.17.0 in /java by @dependabot in #100
- chore(deps): bump log4j-core from 2.17.0 to 2.17.1 in /java by @dependabot in #102
- chore(deps): bump log4j and picocli by @tbouffard in #124
⚙️ Other Changes
- refactor(waypoints): split code and remove duplications by @tbouffard in #86
- chore: enforce PR title and body follow conventional commit by @tbouffard in #103
- chore(wf-java): switch from Travis to GitHub Actions by @tbouffard in #104
- chore: add dependabot configuration for GitHub Actions by @tbouffard in #114
- ci: run the "build-java" on ubuntu-22.04 by @tbouffard in #117
- ci: modernize the workflow checking the PR title by @tbouffard in #118
- chore: bump maven, maven wrapper and maven plugins by @tbouffard in #120
- chore: bump build-helper-maven-plugin by @tbouffard in #123
- chore(dependabot): add labels for PR that updates GH Actions by @tbouffard in #125
- chore: add configuration for GH auto-generate changelog by @tbouffard in #127
- ci: add workflows to automate the release process by @tbouffard in #132
- ci: fix checkout in the release workflow by @tbouffard in #133
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #98
Full Changelog: bpmn-layout-generator-0.1.4...v0.2.0
What's Changed
🎉 New Features
- feat(svg export): label and edges improvements by @tbouffard in #82
- feat(waypoints): manage edges orientation when cycle exist in the Grid by @tbouffard in #83
- feat(waypoints): start avoiding edge overlap on shape by @tbouffard in #84
- feat(waypoints): improve join gateway on top-left to bottom-right by @tbouffard in #85
⚙️ Other Changes
- refactor(waypoints): split direction/orientation concepts by @tbouffard in #81
Full Changelog: bpmn-layout-generator-0.1.3...bpmn-layout-generator-0.1.4
What's Changed
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix(bpmn): wrong qname was generated by @baptistemesta in #80
Full Changelog: bpmn-layout-generator-0.1.2...bpmn-layout-generator-0.1.3
What's Changed
🎉 New Features
- feat(csv): support more type when importing csv by @baptistemesta in #79
Full Changelog: bpmn-layout-generator-0.1.1...bpmn-layout-generator-0.1.2
What's Changed
🎉 New Features
- Introduce bpmn read/write with initial BPMNDiagram generation by @tbouffard in #1
- First implementation of the sorting algorithm by @baptistemesta in #4
- Add grid + layout of simple elements (no split, no joins) by @baptistemesta in #5
- first implementation of layout with join. by @oanesini in #18
- handle positions of elements after a split by @baptistemesta in #22
- feat(converter): transform bpmn model into algorithms model by @tbouffard in #20
- feat(cli): doc how to run with a 'simple' package by @tbouffard in #28
- feat(converter): transform algorithms model into bpmn model by @tbouffard in #25
- compact grid to remove extra space by @baptistemesta in #26
- Keep in the model the information of which edges are reverted by @baptistemesta in #31
- feat: revert all edges of a cycle by @baptistemesta in #36
- feat(render): adjust exported gateways and events shape and size by @tbouffard in #35
- feat(svg export): handle multi-lines label text by @tbouffard in #39
- feat(bpmn): improve namespace prefixes in bpmn generated file by @tbouffard in #50
- add csv node and edge from R data "Patients" by @oanesini in #48
- feat(bpmn): generate edge waypoints by @tbouffard in #52
- feat(app): Create a single entry point to generate diagram by @baptistemesta in #55
- feat: handle type of element when importing CSV file by @baptistemesta in #66
- feat(R): add package to call BPMN layout generator by @baptistemesta in #75
- feat: improve waypoints of edges involving gateways by @tbouffard in #71
- feat(waypoints): consider split/merge gateways for edge direction by @tbouffard in #72
- feat(csv source): generate incoming/outgoing refs in BPMN semantic by @tbouffard in #76
📦 Dependency updates
- Add log4j2 logger implementation by @baptistemesta in #29
- feat(log): use log4j2 for logging by @tbouffard in #33
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Avoid overlapping of elements by @baptistemesta in #30
- fix(shape name): handle null values by @tbouffard in #41
- fix(sort): avoid infinit loop while sorting by @baptistemesta in #67
- fix(order): replace Set by List to kept original insertion order by @passga in #70
📝 Documentation
- [DOC] Add code of conduct badge in README by @csouchet in #59
- [DOC] Improve readme by @csouchet in #60
- Remove contributing guide badge from README by @tbouffard in #61
⚙️ Other Changes
- chore: maven build and travis ci by @tbouffard in #2
- refactor: clean commented code and useless license header by @tbouffard in #6
- chore(jdk): switch to jdk8 by @tbouffard in #19
- refactor(model): switch algorithm model id from UUID to String by @tbouffard in #21
- chore(travis): build on jdk8 and jdk11 by @tbouffard in #27
- chore: rename merge SortedDiagram and Diagram by @baptistemesta in #34
- Rework bpmn activity and event label positions by @tbouffard in #63
- refactor(test): split app test using csv and bpmn inputs by @tbouffard in #69
- refactor(svg waypoints): use polyline instead of multi lines by @tbouffard in #77
- refactor: extract waypoints code to dedicated classes by @tbouffard in #78
New Contributors
- @oanesini made their first contribution in #18
- @csouchet made their first contribution in #59
- @passga made their first contribution in #70
Full Changelog: