Releases: project-sbc/Handheld-Hardware-Tools
-Not full fix: stop game input from registering when opening the quick access menu
-Fixed error with integer scaling when showing up in menus
Features added:
-toggle controller (allows enabling and disabling of built in controller for using an external controller)
Not fully implemented:
-worked on backend for mouse mode button shortcut actions
Fixed issue with logos on info page
Fixed touch scrolling not working when auto launching
HHT 0.1.4
Fixed splashscreen start up issue.
Added default TDP, the TDP the app will set the device to at startup. You can find this in the settings.
Added discord links to info tab.
Bug fixes:
Fixed touch scrolling not working
Improved detection of screen swipes for opening app. New detection criteria is:
-must start swipe in the middle of the screen vertically and within 15% of the edge of the screen (either left or right side depending on which
side your app opens)
-must drag horizontally toward the center (to the right if app opens on left, to the left if app opens on right)
-must end swipe within 15% vertically of start swipe point (i.e. large diagonal swipes are rejected, must be relatively flat swipe)
-must drag across at least 25% of the screen
Improved Check for updates button feedback, now provides prompt to ask for update, when it last checked, and current version.
Fixed bug in where display scaling string key was not correctly configured and gave an error going to EditHomePage
HHT 0.1.2
Note: if you are on 0.1.1 you should be able to update from the settings menu.
Text in global exception handler.
Notifyicon not showing up when auto start at log in.
Loading circle on splashscreen on white background is not visible.
New features:
Added display scaling combobox to main screen
Added Restart To BIOS button in settings
Known issues i'm working on
Duplicating a hotkey for more than one action (either controller or keyboard) will cause a crash.
HHT 0.1.1
Features added:
Auto updater. Note: It does not ask to update, it will automatically update. This will be fixed later.
Added global exception event handler.
Bug fixes:
Fixed mouse mode settings not saving or implementing.
Fixed power plan dictionary key violation error.
HHT 0.1
Initial release