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Provotum Backend


The different endpoints maintained by the Backen application are described in detail here:


Follow the steps below for setting up your development environment.

🚧 NOTE: The web3j wrappers are currently only working with geth 1.7.3 and below 🚧


   brew update
   brew upgrade
   brew tap ethereum/ethereum
   brew install solidity
   brew linkapps solidity
  • Clone this repo: git clone [email protected]:provotum/backend.git && cd backend
  • Init submodule: git submodule init && git submodule update --recursive.
  • Install web3j for contract to Java wrapper compilation: brew install web3j.
  • Adjust the application properties in src/main/resources/
   # Evaluation
   # Ethereum and Web3J
   # Encryption
   # Spring Boot Configuration
  • evaluation.output: Where the evaluation output should be stored. Contains time measurements of different operations.
  • ethereum.web3j.rpchost: The host on which a geth node (with the RPC interface enabled) is running. MUST start with http resp. https.
  • ethereum.wallet.location: The path to a pre-allocated wallet which is used to deploy the contracts
  • ethereum.wallet.password: The password for the above wallet.
  • security.output.electionpublickey: Where the election public key should be saved.
  • security.output.electionprivatekey: Where the election private key should be saved.
  • security.output.rsapublickey: The path to the RSA public key used for encrypting the random value parameter R of an ElGamal ciphertext.
  • security.output.rsaprivatekey: The path to the RSA private key used for encrypting the random value parameter R of an ElGamal ciphertext.
  • server.port: The port on which the backend should be accessible.


Compile wrapper for contracts

Within the project directory use the Makefile to compile smart contracts and generate their wrappers using Web3j:

  • make compile: Will take all *.sol files from eth-contracts/contracts and compile them to eth-contracts-build.
  • make wrappers: Will the build files and generate Java wrappers for them in src/main/java/org.provotum/ethereum/wrappers
  • make clean: Will remove all compiled contracts from eth-contracts-build

Running the App

To run the app with the configured parameters, invoke

   mvn spring-boot:run

Known Issues

NOTE: If it seems that the contract creations do not reach the sealer nodes, you should increase the maximum heap space of Java:

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Xmx768m" -Drun.profiles=dev