Node Package Manager, windows powershell, Atom
Powershell script that set-up frontend development environment
- Install gulp if not exist (node_modules folders)
- Install browser-sync - gulp module that automaticaly refresh page if html,css,js are changed.
- Create folder structure MainFolder\css|js,repository, basic tempates for gulp, gitignore, gulpfile.js, package.json, start local server that can be accessible from the internet (do not forget about firewall and router routing (virtual server and so on)
- Open MainFolder in Atom (Future feature Brackets, Sublime Text, and so on)
lazy frontender, one script and done, one click everything is ready, frontend windows workflow
In the future basic template like grid systems opportunity to choose gird system and automaticaly add it to link tag, frame works, sass,less compilers and so on
Update HTML5 Boilerplate once a week