🚀 Features
- Adds "contributor" page #666 (@20LM22)
- Adds "features" page #665 (@20LM22)
- Adds the new about page text #663 (@20LM22)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Changed the link for the how to submit #670 (@hectorcorrea)
- I650 20lm22 advance code coverage #661 (@20LM22 @jrgriffiniii)
🧹 Maintenance
- Setting pdc to the newest rails-health-check with collection checking #671 (@carolyncole)
- Update rails-health-monitor to use built in solr check #668 (@carolyncole)
🔩 Dependency Updates
- Bump rexml from 3.3.3 to 3.3.6 #672 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump rexml from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 #664 (@dependabot[bot])
Authors: 5
- @20LM22
- @carolyncole
- @dependabot[bot]
- Hector Correa (@hectorcorrea)
- James R. Griffin III (@jrgriffiniii)