You can find my configuration at here.
Install i3,i3-gaps,thunar,nvim,rofi,polybar and gcc with nix-env:
nix-env -i i3 i3-gaps thunar nvim rofi polybar gcc13 git feh
Copy the configuration:
git clone && cd config.nix && cp -r * ~/.config
(optional) Restart your computer to set wallpaper or run:
feh --bg-fill ~/.config/i3/walls/*
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install i3 i3-gaps feh polybar rofi nvim thunar
git clone && cd config.nix && cp -r * ~/.config
This configuration may not work on your system, Copy my changes (marked with "==") in the configuration.nix file, and add them. I don't know what will happen if you copy the file to your configuration.nix file. So I dont recommend doing it, and i am not responsable for any damages.