Releases: pushex-project/pushex
Version 2.0.0
This release bumps Phoenix to 1.5, which comes with some breaking changes to how PubSub is configured. Everything will operate the same way, but is required to be setup differently now.
In addition, we now only support/test for OTP22+ and Elixir 1.11+. We recommend using the latest OTP and Elixir versions.
There's a corresponding 0.2.0
release for phoenix JS client that bumps to the latest Phoenix JS. It's recommended to update both at the same time, but shouldn't be required.
Migration Instructions
- Update your config.exs file
Remove the pubsub
config for config :push_ex, PushExWeb.Endpoint
and replace it with the new pubsub_server
config :push_ex, PushExWeb.Endpoint,
pubsub_server: PushEx.PubSub,
If you have a custom config in pubsub_server previously, you must update that in the new config option:
config :push_ex, PushEx.PubSub,
adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2,
pool_size: 4
The actual options inside of config are identical to pubsub_server
, but you should not set the name
because that's handled in code for you.