- feat: add ClonalVolumePlot, ClonalAbundancePlot, ClonalLengthPlot, ClonalResidencyPlot and ClonalCompositionPlot
- style: fix R CMD check
- deps: update Remotes in DESCRIPTION file to use latest scRepertoire
- style: update .Rbuildignore and .github/workflows/main.yml to fix CMD check issues
- style: fix CMD check issues
- style: fix CMD check issues
- style: fix CMD check issues
- style: fix CMD check issues
- feat: add ClonalOverlapPlot
- feat: add ClonalDiversityPlot
- feat: add ClonalGeneUsagePlot, ClonalPositionalPlot and ClonalPositionalPlot
- feat: add ClonalRarefactionPlot
- feat: add CCCPlot
- feat: add radar/spider plot for CellStatPlot
- docs: update method for ClonalDiversityPlot to include gini.coeff
- docs: add CCCPlot and ClonalX plots to README and mention scRepertoire in the Credits in README
Full Changelog: 0.0.2...0.1.0