The last "official" release was done back on October 31st, 2017; however, code and deployments to the main Qiita site have been happening around every 2 months since then. For all the changes since the last "official" release visit the CHANGELOG.md.
Version 2020.07
- Added per preparation LIBRARY_STRATEGY and removed the study wide STUDY_TYPE values for EBI-ENA submissions to comply with newer metadata standards
- Changed
Ion Torrent
as described by EBI-ENA - Added a VALIDATOR job_type to be able to specify job validator resources
- Added a job.shape method that returns the number of columns, samples and input size of each job based its input artifacts
- Added the possibility of requesting memory resources for a job based on the input size, number of samples and/or columns
- Warnings from commands will only use the message part of the warning/errors (#2898)
- Fixed error when deleting multiple artifacts with summaries and support_files
- Button now will be disabled when submitting a workflow via GUI to avoid double clicking from users
- Jobs will now display their "external job id" to users, in practice their barnacle job id
- Fixed bug that prevented delete of full analyses when the processing tree had multiple paths
- Added initial script for nightly auto-processing of workflows
- Removed legacy future dependencies from Python2.7
- Users can see the available system plugins, their commands and resource allocations: https://qiita.ucsd.edu/software/
- Added qiime2.2020.06 to the system; which updated these plugins: qp-qiime2, qtp-biom, qtp-diversity, qtp-visualization
- Shogun v1.0.8 for Metagenomic and Metatrascriptomics processing; this new version includes bowtie2 v2.4.1 as aligner and Web of Life and rep200