Package fs is a simple wrapper for net/http.FileServer. Provides helper functions to configure the behavior of the server
go get -u
- Set Custom Error Handlers
- Set Custom Index pages
- Enable or disable directory listing. Default disabled
// Set http error handler
// handler with code=0 is used as default handler
func (f *FileServer) ErrorHandler(code int, fn ErrorHandlerFunc)
// Set autoindex to indicate whether to allow directory listing
func (f *FileServer) AutoIndex(autoIndex bool)
// Set index page. Defaults to "index.html"
func (f *FileServer) Index(index ...string)
// Set a handler that remove the prefix from
// the request URL before attempting to serve the request
func (f *FileServer) StripPrefix(prefix string)
// FileServer returns a handler that serves HTTP requests
// with the contents of the directory rooted at root
// calling each option on the server before returning it
func New(root string, options ...func(*FileServer)) http.Handler
package main
import (
func main() {
addr := flag.String("addr", ":8080", "Server HTTP address")
root := flag.String("r", ".", "Base directory path for static contents")
notfound := template.Must(template.New("404").Parse(`<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>[404]</title></head><body><h1>[404]</h1></body></html>`))
http.ListenAndServe(*addr, fs.New(*root, func(f *fs.FileServer) {
// Set the default error handler
f.ErrorHandler(0, func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, code int) {
// We can set the content type base on the request
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
// We control the error code to return
// We can now respond with our awesome error page.
notfound.Execute(w, nil)
// Turn directory listing on. This is off by default
// Overwrite the default index page with one or more possible choices
f.Index("index.html", "default.html", "index.txt")