released this
15 Oct 12:20
2.3 version notes (15/10/2020)
Customizable configuration for artists and lyrics transforms using the cfg file
Requirements at updated
Multithreads logic improved
Leet and case order reversed to improve operations efficiency
BUG FIXED in lyrics space replacement
BUG FIXED when remove duplicates (Type Error: unhashable type: 'list' )
Memory management and efficiency improved
SPLIT INTO MODULES to improve project structure
BUG FIXED in wordlists-exclusion feature
2.2 version notes (11/10/2020
Configuration file implemented
NEW FEATURE : Allow to create custom charsets and transforms patterns trough the config file
NEW FEATURE : Recursive leet transforms implemented (disabled by default , can be enabled in cfg file)
2.2~beta version notes (10/10/2020)
The lyricpass integration have been updated to run with last version released by initstring
option removed (feature integrated in other options)
2.1 version notes (11/07/2020)
Fixing min and max length bug
2.0/1.5 version notes (17/06/2020)
PYTHON 3 NOW IS SUPPORTED : master branch moves to Python 3. Secondary branch keeps Python 2.7 legacy support
0-1.2(beta) version notes
EXCLUDE WORDLISTS : speed improvement using multithreaded exclusions
NEW FEATURE : lyrics searching related to artists increase the wordlist chances
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