Maven plugin that builds Wildfly BOMs
Inspired by this plugin inspects the available dependency management entries and outputs them to a BOM file.
Example usage:
<!-- Information about the parent to use. If not present no parent will be used -->
<!-- The groupId of the generated bom -->
<!-- The artifactId of the generated bom -->
<!-- The version of the generated bom, in this case we use the same version as the caller -->
<!-- The maven project name of the bom -->
<bomName>WildFly BOMs: JAXWS Client</bomName>
<!-- The maven project description of the bom -->
<bomDescription>This artifact provides a bill of materials (BOM) for JAXWS client usage.</bomDescription>
<!-- aftifacts in the bom's dependency management are also added in its dependencies, so users may just dependend on the bom to dependend on all artifacts -->
<!-- The builder's maven project licenses are added to the bom -->
<!-- All exclusions in the builder managed dependencies are inherited by the bom, other options are NONE and UNMANAGED -->
<!-- A list of profiles to include in the generated bom -->
<!-- IDs from maven repositories from builder, to add to the bom -->
<!-- Managed dependencies to exclude and not add to the bom -->
<!-- Managed dependencies to include and add to the bom -->
<!-- Unmanaged dependencies to add to the BOM, with a version obtained from an existing managed dependency -->
<!-- Extra exclusions to add to specific dependencies in the bom -->
<!-- Override the dependencies with new scope -->