Hi! This is a Color gradient finding extension. This project has been created by Rahul Kumar as a part of learning FrontEnd Development.
This Extension has following Features :
- You can find the gradient between the two colors you choose or either entered in Hex.
- You can also choose the number of gradients you want in between the two colors you passed.
- Reactjs
- React Hooks
- Parcel
- Javascript
- Manifest.json
- Css
To get the extension on your system you can follow the process as below:
- Download the Zip File by clicking here
- Extract the Zip file and Take out the Extension folder from it.
- Open Chrome and go to the Extensions page by Click the Three dots > More tools > Extensions.
- Toggle the Developer mode switch to On.
- Click the "Load unpacked" button and select the Extension Folder inside the another Extension Folder where your files are saved.
- Toggle the switch on to Active the new Added Extension.
- Ta-da! The extension has been successfully installed. You can also pin it if you want.