This Food Ordering App named as ਸਵਿਗੀ has been created as the part of learning react. This is main project which holds all the learnings and topics of React and ReduxToolkit.
Topics | Topics | Topics | Topics |
React | UI Mock | Shimmer UI | TailwindCSS |
React Element | React Props | Map & Filter | Higher Order Components |
JSX | Config Driven UI | React-Router-Dom | Uncontrolled / Controlled Component |
Transpile by Babel.js | Swiggy API | Children Routing | Lifting Up the State |
Parcel / Bundler | Optional Chaining | useRouterError | Props Drilling |
HMR (Hot Module Replacement) | React Hooks | SPA (Single Page Application) | React Context |
BrowserList | React Conciliation Algorithm | useParams | Redux Toolkit |
React DOM | Virtual DOM | React Life Cycle Methods | React-Redux Library |
Functional Components | Monolith vs Microservices | Custom Hooks | And Still learning.... |
Class Based Components | CORS | Lazing Loading / Dynamic Bundling |
- Reactjs
- ReactDOM
- Parcel
- React Hooks
- Swiggy API
- React Router Dom
- React Context
- Redux Toolkit
- React Redux
- TailwindCSS