Project Was Made Using HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP, PHP.
- Install the XAMPP
- Copy the files folder(CS223/files) in the C:\xampp/htdocs
##Installing the DB:-
- Run the XAMPP application (make sure that the apache and mysql are running).
2.Open Browser (google chrome, mozilla firefox)
3.Type the url localhost/phpmyadmin
4.Create DB with the name suthar
5.Click the created DB and import the sql (suthar.sql){CS 223/database}
##Accessing the system
1.Run the XAMPP application (make sure that the apache and mysql are running)
2.Open Browser (google chrome, mozilla firefox)
3.type in the url (localhost/files/)
#######---> live Working Website <---#######
Because of free hosting loading speed may be slow due to limited broadcasting speed.
type the url in the Browser ---->
login id for student is --> [email protected] password ---> student1
###### ENJOY! :) ######