Find full details on Ghost here
Or download this repo and run:
cf create-space myblog
cf target -s myblog
cf create-service cleardb spark ghost-mysql-db
cf create-service sendgrid free ghost-sendgrid
cf push ghost --random-route
By default any image uploads will be lost on app restart, as the file system is not persisted. If you need image/file storage you'll need to configure one of the storage services.
- create an account at
- uncomment the cloudinary config in config.js (look for // UNCOMMENT TO USE CLOUDINARY FILE STORE)
- create an environment variable containing your cloudinary credentials, in the format of:
CLOUDINARY='{"cloud_name":"...", "api_key":"...", "api_secret":"..."}'
cf set-env ghost CLOUDINARY '{"cloud_name":"...", "api_key":"...", "api_secret":"..."}'
- push update and restart app
cf push ghost
Visit https://<your ghost blog>/ghost to begin the setup of your new blog.
For more help on using Ghost visit .