This repository has been archived by the owner on May 26, 2022. It is now read-only.
- Added Audio Meter
- Added Weather Meter
- Added locale customization to Chronometer
- Added custom event countdown to Chronometer
- Added alarms to Chronometer
- Added timer applet to Chronometer
- Added 'standard' CPU temperature display to CPU Meter
- Added CPU fan speed graph option to CPU Meter
- Added setting to individually hide disk temperatures / eject buttons per-disk in Disks Meter
- Added option to Disks Meter to display free disk space, rather than used disk space
- Added Network Interface settings to Network Meter
- Added support for monitoring up to three Network Interfaces at once
- Added WiFi and LAN support to Network Meter
- Added fan information toggle to GPU Meter settings
- Added scaling support to the gadgets
- Added rounded corners option
- Added graph backgrounds option
- Added sidebars
- Added "ModernGadgets Welcome" layout to package
- Separated CPU Meter's core measures and meters from the main file, to only load those that are necessary (drastically improves performance)
- Converted CPU Meter's config script into loop measures
- Rewrote Disks Meter to only display up to 10 disks at once, significantly improving performance
- Merged Network Meter Pro into Network Meter, eliminating the need to maintain two versions of the gadget
- Changed default external IP location website
- Removed process label font face option
- Switched default font to IBM Plex Sans
- Improved color pickers to change colors dynamically (with the exception of global colors)
- Redesigned welcome screen and update notification (again...)
- Removed subtitle from gadget manager
- Reorganized gadget manager links
- Improved organization of skin directories and config names
- Fixed several issues with CPU Meter program switching
- Fixed CPU temperature graph when only using SpeedFan
- Fixed CPU Meter disabling HWiNFO readings if the Core 0 Temperature sensor was misconfigured
- Fixed CPU Meter line graph log error
- Fixed network status icon not updating dynamically
- Fixed GPU variant settings buttons not working
- Fixed GPU Meter variants all using the same settings file
- Fixed rare divide-by-zero error in GPU Meter
- Fixed various visual inconsistencies and positioning issues across the board