RailCore® II is a Core-XY based Reprap 3D printer designed by J. Steve White & Tony Akens under the CC-Attribution Only license. Please refer to the attribution file for other contributions.
- CoreXY Motion System
- 300x300x300mm (ZL) or 300x300x600mm (ZLT) build volume.
- kinematically coupled bed plate (optionally)
- autotramming with 3-point bed-leveling
- ~$1700 for a single unit, including hotend. See the BOM for the part breakdown
- User Extensible! We encourage extending the design to custom applications via custom tools and bed plates
- Full specs listed on this page
The best way to get started is to thumb through the Assembly Instructions and Bill of Materials first. Then, your options are to self-source using the BOM, or purchase a kit. Kit options:
- https://www.filastruder.com/collections/railcore (US-Based, kits are comprised of exactly the parts on the BOM)
- https://hightemp3d.com (EU-Based, kits may not be comprised of the parts on the BOM)
- DXF - DXF files for the RailCore II 300ZL & ZLT, typically for sheet cutting. Materials that can be used are in a text materials.md file for viewing.
- STEP - STEP files for the RailCore II 300ZL & ZLT. All printed parts, milled and cut parts.
- STL - contains STL all the parts that need to be printed to produce a Railcore. Some, like Z-Brackets and Z-Yokes, are available in aluminum. See BOM.
- auxillary - List of auxillary, untested or outdated parts for the RailCore II
- font - contains the font used for the Railcore II 300ZL/ZLT engraving on the panels.
- jigs - contains parts that can be used for alignment or assembly.
- print_tests - contains parts that can be used for testing/tuning a Railcore
- outdated parts - contains parts that are no longer used.
- upgrade_or_crossgrade_parts - for official parts that aren't necessary for a base RailCore functionality. (doors or STL's for commercial parts authorised by RailCore Labs)
- wiring - contains details on all the custom wiring that is used in a Railcore in WireViz format.
The halo and Y-plate are optional, the motor mount and idler mounts are recommended to be made from aluminum, but machined and finished versions are available, see BOM. More printed parts are available at the RailCore Thingiverse collection
Have questions? Building your own Railcore? Join the Discord! Lots more information available here
Railcore is meant to be extended by the community. If you are interested in contributing, there are a number of ways to get involved:
- Review, comment, or add to the open issues
- Join the Discord!
The name Railcore is a registered trademark of RailCore Labs, LLC. All Rights reserved.
Railcore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (CC BY-SA 3.0).
You can modify / distribute these files, and as long as you attribute to RailCore Labs e.g. "Original design by RailCore Labs"