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Health Pass

Quick Start

  1. Deploy Contract
   npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.js
  1. Switching to test network (RINKEBY) (Optional)

    • Please skip this step if you want to use local network
    • Change line - const NETWORK = LOCAL_NETWORK to const NETWORK = TEST_NETWORK in hardhat.config.js
    • Replace YOUR_ALCHEMY_API_KEY with your api key from alchemy in .env file
    • Replace YOUR_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY with your wallet's private key from metamask wallet in .env file
  2. Running test for contract.

    npx hardhat test

Running your app locally

  1. Start your react frontend

    npm start
  2. Start a hardhat node

    npx hardhat node
  3. Connect hardhat node to Metamask

    Open Metamask > Select the network dropdown from the top left > Select Custom RPC and enter the following details:

    • Network Name: <Enter a name for the network>
    • New RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 31337

    Click save. You can use this network to connect to the local hardhat node.

  4. Connect your local hardhat account to Metamask for making transactions

    • After running npx hardhat node you will see a list of 20 addresses logged in the terminal
    • To configure an account copy its private key from the terminal (i.e the text after Private Key:)
    • Open Metamask > Click the account icon on top right > Import Account > Paste the private key you just copied > click Import
    • You should now have the account connected with 10000 ETH