I am a full-stack engineer with 4+ years of experience. I have engineered solutions around e-mobility, enterprise resource planning solutions for the Ed Tech industry & blockchain solutions as a freelancer. Recently led the founding team at Dayfi as CTO (first-of-its-kind collateral less renting and collateral less buy now pay-later solutions for NFTs ), other than the professional skills I like to cook, exercise, and play football and cricket.
My recent experience is with pet health care industry with Omelo website
I had an opportunity to innovate in blockchain at Dayfi, I came up with secure collateral-less renting and buy now pay later solutions for NFT in a trustless manner. During my school days, I had been participating in science exhibitions, participated in a young scientist competition arranged by Govt of Karnataka, India, and won the title of Young scientist for innovation in space engines powered by plasma.
- 🔭 I’m currently exploring depths of C++, JavaScript and general software and learning Data Structure And Algorithms
- I have previously worked as Full Stack Engineer, Backend Developer