Developers radar a fullstack POC Javascript.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- nodejs
- yarn
git clone
Following the steps to get up and running the project locally. We will need to install the required libraries of each project such as web, mobile and API, from the terminal:
cd developer-radar/backend
Executes yarn for installing the libraries
$developer-radar/backend >> yarn
do the same for folders web and mobile
$developer-radar/web >> yarn
$developer-radar/mobile >> yarn
In order to run the application locally you need to provide a .env file providing the following attributes:
$developer-radar/backend >> vim .env
MONGODB_ATLAS_SVR_URL=[your mongo db connection url it can be whatever dabase you name you want]
$developer-radar/mobile >> vim env.js
export const baseURL = "http://yourLocalIp:portDefinedBackendEnv"
$developer-radar/web/src >> vim env.js
export const baseURL = "http://yourLocalIp:portDefinedBackendEnv"
Well after all the env files configured let's run the three projects:
$developer-radar/backend >> yarn dev
$developer-radar/web >> yarn start
$developer-radar/mobile >> yarn start
- Ramon Ramos - DevRadar
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details