server: change in API contract. Removed x-scope-orgid header. Moved to namespace param.
New API endpoints starts with /v1/namespaces/{namespace}
go-client: add default values for options (49b38a7 )
go-client: add ParseWithRefresh method to GO client (d9a51e7 )
go-client: add refresh method to client API (904fdd4 )
js-client: add js stencil client (556825a )
server: move x-scope-orgid header to namespace param (d02ac65 )
add authentication bearer token used for fetch requests (da7a6e0 )
add backward compatability check to descriptor create API (8d1ba88 )
add backward compatability rule checks (7dfeb4a )
add descriptor APIs (e8e17cc )
add docker release in github action (dcd2dc5 )
add javadoc comments (a7ee4a4 )
add metadata API (d9499ff )
add skipRules field in descriptor upload API (4071991 )
add stencil go client (b4c4ed5 )
Bug Fixes
server: POST descriptor API to throw error if descriptor already exists (240a176 )
gradle project versioning (f0d3db7 )
handle file not found errors (df0fd3f )
handle uploaded file read error (a93f4e2 )
hide meta.json in listing (deebb9c )
incorrect proto name where javapackage or protopackage is empty (69de5e8 )
nil reader error if file is not found (54ba89d )
Revert "nexus-setup: add release step to publish to central maven" (c748cd7 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.