This is a Hugo template made to make a simple hugo webpage that is both minimalistic and easy to configure.
My website is built using this theme.
Just like any other Hugo theme, you can clone it to your machine and use it right away.
- hugo
- somewhat knowledge of markdown
Create a hugo site
hugo new site mysite
Go into the directory
cd mysite
Initialize an empty git repository
git init
Add this theme into your website directory
git submodule add themes/meow
Set the theme to meow in hugo.toml
echo "theme='meow'" >> hugo.toml
You can check out the example/ directory see list of available parameters for this site.
To add content refer to this official documentation from Hugo.
to generate favicons for your webpage.
- : Eric Murphy
- : Luke Smith
I want this template to be minimal as possible. So, if you have any awesome idea to make this theme better, feel free to open a PR.