This is a rewrite of the Calavera project, using Docker instead of Vagrant.
Team1 gets - .10 for ip and ports 1000-2000
Team2 gets - .20 for ip and ports 2000-3000
Team3 gets - .30 for ip and ports 3000-4000
Team4 gets - .40 for ip and ports 4000-5000
For example, team1 gets, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Every team should identify at least one "committer."
On Github, that person should fork the Calavera2 repository to their account, and clone it down to their home directory on the server.
On the server, be careful to save any previous work, for example if you already have directly cloned dm-academy/Calavera2 you should rename that directory.
If you have completed some part of the work to your satisfaction, commit it to your Github fork and issue a pull request for me.
You may need to copy from your old dm-academy/Calavera2 repository to your new forked/cloned version.
If you have any questions, please ask. Don’t want anyone to lose any work.