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Media Validation Tool for verification of browser's media playback capabilities


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Media Validation Tool (MVT)

Tool for verification of browser's media playback capabilities.

Supports four streaming formats and four different players:

  • Progressive (native)
  • DASH (native, Shaka Player, dash.js)
  • HLS (Shaka Player, hls.js)
  • HSS (native, dash.js)

Test streams use different audio/video/subtitles codecs and media containers. For details, see coverage section.


git clone [email protected]:rdkcentral/MVT.git

Relation to js_mse_eme

MVT is built on top of YouTube's test tool js_mse_eme, which is used as a git submodule and provides test execution framework and UI.

MVT introduces new tests, integration of MSE players and various media assets.


# Build httpd based image and copy source files into it

# Set host directory to store media assets (~1,5 GB)
# Default value: /data/test-materials
export TEST_MATERIALS_SRC=/data/test-materials

# Run container with http server on host port 8080
PORT=8080 ./

# Populate |TEST_MATERIALS_SRC| with media assets.
# Existing assets won't be overridden.
# If you want to use your own videos, you need to change URL's in media/media_urls.config,
# movies needs to be longer than 2 minutes and can be in any video format.
# Executes in running container (mvt-app) and takes ~30 minutes on decent PC.

Up and running MVT instance: http://localhost:8080

Stop MVT

docker stop mvt-app

Update application source

First cleanup old image:

docker stop mvt-app
docker rmi mvt-app-img

then repeat deployment steps.

Refresh media assets

Media assets are stored on host file system and are not overridden by default. In order to regenerate all media assets simply remove the test-materials directory:


External media dependencies

A list of of all external media assets used by a deployed instance of MVT:

Stream Source URL Notes
Big Buck Bunny Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0:
Used as a base stream for assets hosted under test-materials
Tears of Steel Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0:
Used as a base stream for assets hosted under test-materials
DASH-CMAF-HEVC-AAC DASH IF Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
DASH-DYNAMIC DASH IF Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
HLS-CMAF-AVC1-AAC DASH IF Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
HLS-CMAF-HEVC-AAC DASH IF Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
DASH-PLAYREADY-2.0 Microsoft PlayReady Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
DASH-PLAYREADY-4.0 DASH IF Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
HSS-AVC1-AAC DASH IF Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
HSS-AVC1-AAC Microsoft PlayReady Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution
DASH-PLAYREADY-CMAF [Microsoft PlayReady] ( Not distributed by MVT, used for playback during test execution

User Interface

User Interface screenshot

Tests are grouped into test suites, which differ in streaming type (DASH, HLS, HSS, progressive) and player (Shaka Player, dash.js, hls.js, native).

The test list is generated dynamically based on available streams (src/mediaStreams.js), test templates (src/mediaTests.js) and selected profile configuration (e.g. src/profiles.js). Each test is actually an instantiation of a test template, e.g. DASH-FMP4-AVC1-AAC Playback and DASH-DYNAMIC Playback share the same test code (src/mediaTests.js::testPlayback), but use different media stream.

There are six media test templates:

  • Playback - verifies basic playback and media position progress on the span of 10 seconds,
  • Pause - verifies if browser is capable of pausing a stream,
  • PlayRate - verifies playback with various playback rates,
  • Seek - executes seek operation,
  • AudioTracks - changes audio track,
  • Subtitles - activates text tracks and verifies its content.

During test execution, test runner logs are printed into JavaScript console and into a div below tests list. The video under test can be observed on the right-hand side of main view. All interactive elements are navigable via arrow keys and can be selected through URL parameters.

URL parameters

Test execution can be controlled through URL parameters, e.g. to run DASH Shaka tests 1,2,3 on Shaka Player version 2.5.20 use:


Most of the URL parameters can be combined. Here's a full list of supported queries:

  • test_type=SUITE_NAME - test suite selection. Expected values:
    • codec-support-test
    • dash-html5-test
    • dash-shaka-test
    • dash-dashjs-test
    • hls-shaka-test
    • hls-hlsjs-test
    • hss-html5-test
    • hss-dashjs-test
    • progressive-html5-test
  • command=run - test run autostart. Please note it may not work on desktop browser, because they tend to block autoplay before user interaction.
  • testnumbers=ID[,ID]|ID-ID2 - tests subset selection. Expected values:
    • Single test id e.g. testnumbers=1
    • Multiple test ids e.g. testnumbers=1,5,13
    • Test ids range e.g. testnumbers=1-10
  • testnames=ID[,ID] - test names subset selection. Expected values:
    • Single test id e.g. testnames=DASH_FMP4_AVC_AAC__Playback
    • Multiple test ids e.g. testnames=DASH_FMP4_AVC_AC3__Seek,DASH_FMP4_AVC_AAC__Playback,DASH_DYNAMIC
  • exclude=ID[,ID]|ID-ID2 - exclude subsets of tests.
  • checkframes=false|true - [default: false] enable verification of video frames progress based on video.getVideoPlaybackQuality().totalVideoFrames.
  • loop=false|true - [default: false] enable testing selected tests continuosly in a loop.
  • stoponfailure=false|true - [default: false] tests execution will stop on the first failed test.
  • disable_log=false|true - [default: false] enable/disable logging.
  • engine_shaka=3.0.1|3.2.1|4.3.6 - [default: 3.2.1] select Shaka Player version. Please note it will only affect Shaka test suites.
  • engine_dashjs=3.1.1|4.4.0|4.7.0|latest - [default: 4.7.0] select dash.js version. Please note it will only affect dash.js test suites.
  • engine_hlsjs=1.0.0|1.2.1|1.3.0|1.4.5 - [default: 1.4.5] select hls.js version. Please note it will only affect hls.js test suites.
  • profile=all|default|desktop|extended_drm - [default: default] depends of tested unit.
  • debug=true|false - [default: false] enabling the debug logs for MSE players (shaka, dash.js, hls.js) and adding additional timestamps to the output log.

JavaScript API

getMvtTestResults() is a globally available JavaScript function, which can be run from the browser's console or via WebDriver to gather the results. It produces a JSON-like object, which should be easy to read by any automated test runner, sample output:

    "name": "codec-support-test",
    "setup_log": "",
    "suites": [],
    "teardown_log": "",
    "tests": [
            "log": "[2022-07-20T14:05:17.007Z] Test 1:IsTypeSupported video/mp4 avc STARTED with timeout 30000 \n[2022-07-20T14:05:17.010Z] Executing IsTypeSupported test for avc (video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.4d002a\") \n[2022-07-20T14:05:17.014Z] Test 1:IsTypeSupported video/mp4 avc PASSED. \n",
            "name": "IsTypeSupported video/mp4 avc",
            "status": "passed",
            "suites_chain": "MVT_SUITE.codec-support-test",
            "time_ms": 7,
            "type": "test_result",
            "ver": "1.0"
            "log": "[2022-07-20T14:05:17.020Z] Test 2:IsTypeSupported video/mp2t avc STARTED with timeout 30000 \n[2022-07-20T14:05:17.023Z] Executing IsTypeSupported test for avc (video/mp2t; codecs=\"avc1.4d002a\") \n[2022-07-20T14:05:17.027Z] Test 2:IsTypeSupported video/mp2t avc FAILED \n[2022-07-20T14:05:17.032Z] Test :IsTypeSupported video/mp2t avc threw an error: Assert failed: MediaSource.isTypeSupported should be true for video/mp2t; codecs=\"avc1.4d002a\" \n",
            "name": "IsTypeSupported video/mp2t avc",
            "status": "skipped",
            "suites_chain": "MVT_SUITE.codec-support-test",
            "time_ms": 13,
            "type": "test_result",
            "ver": "1.0"
    "type": "suite_result",
    "ver": "1.0"

Please note there is also the original getTestResults() function provided by the js_mse_eme. It is still supported, but it uses different output format and does not include execution logs.


/coverage.html provides a detailed view of media test coverage.

  • Unsupported - case is unsupported, either by container, player or WPEWebKit.
  • Supported, no content - case is not covered by MVT test suite.
  • Supported - case is represented by x tests. Please note that it does not mean that related tests pass on the active device - it is just a coverage view which does not verify test results.

Screenshot from v2.9.0: Media coverage screenshot


  1. Deploy the application
  2. Stop the container - it works on build-time static copy of source files
  3. Start development container with:
docker run -v $PWD/:/home/MVT -v $TEST_MATERIALS_SRC:/home/MVT/test-materials -p 8080:80 --rm -d -it --name mvt-app mvt-app-img:latest

Now you can modify MVT source code and observe changes on: http://localhost:8080/


index.html is the entrypoint to the application. It loads all required scripts in a specific sequence, most importantly, suites.js, where all MVT tests are declared. Once all files are loaded, startMseTest function is triggered in order to start js_mse_eme submodule and to render the UI.


Semantic versioning shall be used - vX.Y.Z, where:

X - major version (e.g. architectural changes)
Y - minor version (e.g. changes that break API, new features)
Z - patch version (e.g. bug fixes, marking tests as mandatory/optional)

After the PR is merged, version should be updated accordingly in the src/main.js file (variable MVT_VERSION) and in This should be done in the another PR with the title "release: vX.Y.Z".

After PR "release: vX.Y.Z" is merged, commit should be tagged "vX.Y.Z" and a new release should be created on github.

Adding new tests

MVT test cases are a product of test templates (src/mediaTests.js) and media streams (src/mediaStreams.js). Test templates provide the actual test implementation, which can be parametrized with a given media stream. It means that e.g. DASH_FMP4_AVC_AAC Playback and DASH_FMP4_MPEG2_MP3 Playback load different media content, but the test code is exactly the same (src/mediaTests.js::testPlayback). Such approach allows us to verify browser behavior depending on the media stream properties. Furthermore, tests are splitted into suites (suites.js). Suites differ in type of streaming (e.g. DASH, progressive) and player (e.g. Shaka, native).

With that in mind, if you wish to extend MVT with a media stream, then it's enough to simply declare it in mediaStreams.js e.g.

// Media Streams
var MS = {
    DASH: {
        PLAYREADY_3_0: {
            variant: "dash",
            container: "fmp4",
            video: {
                codec: "avc",
            audio: {
                codec: "aac",
            src: "MANIFEST URL",
            drm: {
                servers: {
                    "LICENSE SERVER URL",

Then the stream has to be added to some test suites in suites.js

However, if you wish to implement a new test template, then you have to create TestTemplate object:

let complicatedTest = new TestTemplate(`complicatedTest`, function (runner, video) {
    // Test code
    // |video| refers to active HTML5 video node
    // |runner| can be used for interactions with the test framework:
    runner.log(`Executing complicatedTest...`);
    // Failed assertion breaks test execution
    runner.assert(video.currentTime >= 0, `message on assertion failure`);
    // Call |runner.succeed| function to mark test as passed

The new template has to be binded with media stream and added into a test suite (see suites.js):

(function () {
  const testSuite = "DASH dashjs";
  tests.push(new MvtMediaTest(complicatedTest, MS.DASH.PLAYREADY_3_0, engine));

Now test case 'DASH_PLAYREADY_3_0 complicatedTest` should appear under 'DASH dashjs' test suite.


Source files are auto formatted by prettier, which should be used before committing any changes: prettier -w .

Continuous Integration

MVT provides API for triggering tests and gathering results, therefore it can be employed in an automated testing system. A recommended setup is presented on below diagram:

alt text


Deployed application from this repository.

MVT source

HTML, JavaScript and CSS sources from this repository.


Directory with media assets generated during deployment (see

DeviceUnderTest (DUT)


WebBrowser under test (e.g. WPEWebKit).


WebDriver client for test run control.


Interface that may be used during test setup/cleanup for any additional DUT configuration (e.g. starting WebDriver, gathering artifacts).


Any CI system which executes MVTJob regularly (e.g. Jenkins).


CI job which setups DUT, starts test suites and gathers results. In example, to execute DASH shaka test suite the test runner should:

  1. Start WebBrowser and connect to WebDriver
  2. Start test suite by setting URL to http://MVT_INSTANCE_ADDRESS/?test_type=dash-shaka-test&command=run
  3. Wait till tests finishes i.e. till WebDriver command evaluates to true: return globalRunner.currentTestIdx == globalRunner.testList.length
  4. Fetch test results through WebDriver with return getMvtTestResults()
  5. Parse JSON test results to adjust it for the format expected by CI system.

Same procedure can be repeated for each test suite in order to make fully automated MVT test run.


Media Validation Tool for verification of browser's media playback capabilities



Apache-2.0, Unknown licenses found

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