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Merge branch 'next' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/rollup/plugin-common… #1701

Merge branch 'next' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/rollup/plugin-common…

Merge branch 'next' into dependabot/npm_and_yarn/rollup/plugin-common… #1701

Workflow file for this run

name: Sync `documentation` directory to ReadMe
# Run workflow for every push
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout this repo
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install and build rdme deps
run: npm ci && npm run build
# Let's dynamically update our docs with the latest version of rdme!
# Note that these next three steps are not required
# in order to sync your docs to ReadMe.
# First, we run a script that sets a few outputs:
# our package version and our Node.js version.
- name: Retrieve version values
id: rdme-version
run: ./bin/set-version-output.js
# Next, we use this output to do a few find/replaces!
- name: Find and replace Node.js version placeholders
uses: jacobtomlinson/gha-find-replace@v3
replace: ${{ steps.rdme-version.outputs.NODE_VERSION }}
regex: false
include: documentation/*
- name: Find and replace `rdme` version placeholders
uses: jacobtomlinson/gha-find-replace@v3
replace: ${{ steps.rdme-version.outputs.RDME_VERSION }}
regex: false
include: documentation/*
# For every GitHub Action release, we deploy our Docker images
# to the GitHub Container Registry for performance reasons.
# Instead of testing against the pre-built image, we can build
# an image from the currently checked-out repo contents by doing a
# li'l update in the action.yml file to point to the current Dockerfile.
- name: Replace Docker image value in action.yml
uses: jacobtomlinson/gha-find-replace@v3
find: 'image:.*'
replace: "image: 'Dockerfile'"
include: action.yml
# And finally, with our updated documentation,
# we run the `rdme` GitHub Action to sync the Markdown file
# in the `documentation` directory.
# Here's the page we're syncing:
# First we're going to perform a dry run of syncing process.
# We do this on every push to ensure that an actual sync will work properly
- name: Sync docs to ReadMe (dry run)
uses: ./
rdme: docs ./documentation --key=${{ secrets.README_DEVELOPERS_API_KEY }} --version=${{ vars.README_DEVELOPERS_MAIN_VERSION }} --dryRun
# And finally, we perform an actual sync to ReadMe if we're on the main branch
- name: Sync docs to ReadMe
if: github.event_name == 'push' && github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
# We use the `main` branch as ref for GitHub Action
# This is NOT recommended, as it can break your workflows without notice!
# We recommend specifying a fixed version, i.e. @8.0.0
# Docs:
uses: readmeio/rdme@main
rdme: docs ./documentation --key=${{ secrets.README_DEVELOPERS_API_KEY }} --version=${{ vars.README_DEVELOPERS_MAIN_VERSION }}