Releases: readyplayerme/rpm-unreal-sdk
Releases · readyplayerme/rpm-unreal-sdk
What's Changed
- updated auth endpoints by @Kristokarp in #73
New Contributors
- @Kristokarp made their first contribution in #73
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0
What's Changed
- Change discord link to forum by @rk132 in #68
- Added avatar template filter by body type by @HarrisonHough in #70
- Release/v3.3.0 by @HarrisonHough in #71
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v3.3.0
What's Changed
- updated to latest version of glTFRuntime #65
- removed UE5.4 warnings #66
- fixed a crash caused by unmanaged avatar request callbacks in Avatar Creator #67
Full Changelog:
Ready Player Me Unreal SDK 2.3.0
Ready Player Me Unreal SDK 2.2.0
- Added support for auto LODs for the avatars
- Fixed root motion issue in the IK Retargeters
- Avatar Creator UI fixes
Ready Player Me Unreal SDK 2.1.0
- Moved ReadyPlayerMeSettings.EnableAvatarCaching project property to ReadyPlayerMeSettings.AvatarCacheSettings.EnableAvatarCaching.
- Removed Preload function from UReadyPlayerMeMemoryCache class. Use the PreloadAvatarsAsync sync node instead.
- Removed bUseMemoryCache property from the ReadyPlayerMeComponent
- Renamed ClearAvatar function to ClearAvatarFromCache
- Renamed GetCacheSize function to GetAvatarCacheSize
- Renamed GetAvatarCount function to GetCachedAvatarCount
- Renamed GetAvatarGuid function to GetAvatarId
- Added AvatarCacheSettings property in the project settings and moved the EnableAvatarCaching property inside of it.
- Added EnableAutomaticCacheCleaning and CachedAvatarLimit properties in AvatarCacheSettings. These properties enable automatic cache management.
- Added PreloadAvatarsAsync sync node to make avatar preloading easy to use.
- Added ClearAvatarsFromMemory and ClearAvatarFromMemory functions. These functions clear preloaded avatars from the memory.
- Added bKeepLoadedAvatarsInMemory property in the project settings. This property allows to keep all the loaded avatars in the memory without preloading them.
- Moved ReadyPlayerMeSettings.EnableAvatarCaching project property to ReadyPlayerMeSettings.AvatarCacheSettings.EnableAvatarCaching.
- Removed bUseMemoryCache property from the ReadyPlayerMeComponent
- Renamed ClearAvatar function to ClearAvatarFromCache
- Renamed GetCacheSize function to GetAvatarCacheSize
- Renamed GetAvatarCount function to GetCachedAvatarCount
- Renamed GetAvatarGuid function to GetAvatarId
- Set the PhysicsAssetOverride property in the BP_RPM_Character to fix the shadow issues in UE5
- UI fixes in AvatarCreator
- Changed the background material of the avatar editor
- Removed bUseMemoryCache property from the ReadyPlayerMeComponent
- Removed Preload function from UReadyPlayerMeMemoryCache class. Use the PreloadAvatarsAsync sync node instead.
- Broken blueprints in the Data folders
Ready Player Me Unreal SDK 2.0.0
- Removed complicated MorphTargetGroups data assets.
For fixing the existing custom morph target groups, open your custom avatar config and add the needed morph targets there. - AvatarCreator plugin is merged with the ReadyPlayerMe SDK.
The existing integrations of the avatar creator need to be added again, because the references in the blueprints would be broken. - Removed the ReadyPlayerMeActor redundant class. If you used BP_RPM_Actor blueprint class, use BP_RPM_SimpleActor blueprint class instead.
- Merged the AvatarCreator plugin with the ReadyPlayerMe SDK.
- Added App Id to setup guide.
- Added AvatarCreator to the QuickStart map
- Removed complicated MorphTargetGroups data assets.
- Removed the ReadyPlayerMeActor redundant class.
Ready Player Me Unreal SDK 1.4.4
- Fixed the finger glitching issue for the loaded avatars.