Discord music bot is a program developed based on node js and ytdl.
Node.js 16.6.0 or newer is required.
$ npm install
- discord.js for A module for operating the discode bot.
- discordjs/voice for A module to manage the voice chat life cycle.
- ytdl-core-discord for Video download module.
- ffmpeg-static for Player module to play music.
- libsodium.js for Encryption module.
Customize DiscordBot:
file to fit your needs.
{ "prefix": "{Your Prefix}", "token" : "{Your Token}", }
Running docker
$ docker build -t discord-bot . $ docker run -d --name discord-bot discord-bot
Running pm2
$ npm install -g pm2 $ pm2 start src/index.js --interpreter ./node_modules/.bin/babel-node
Startup Script DiscordBot:
$ pm2 startup $ pm2 save
Invite DiscordBot:
Trying to support multiple languages. Currently, only English is supported.