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Circuit breaker plugin for Rebus.

It's just

    .Options(o => o.EnableCircuitBreaker(c => c.OpenOn<SomeException>()))

and then the circuit break will open on SomeException.


For each exception you can configure it with the following parameters.

  • Attempts - The number of attempts with in the the tracking period it takes to Open the circuit breaker
  • TrackingPeriodInSeconds - The period of which errors will be tracked
  • halfOpenPeriodInSeconds - The ammount of time it takes from the last occurance of the Exception for the circuit breaker be but in Half Open Mode
  • ResetIntervalInSeconds - The ammount of time it takes from the last occurance of the Exception for the circuit breaker be but in Closed Mode

Listening for changes

If you want to add custom logic when the state of the circuit breaker changes, you can do this i three easy steps

1. Create your Event Listener

public class MyCustomCircuitBreakerEventListener : IDisposable
    CircuitBreakerEvents _circuitBreakerEvents;

    public MyCircuitBreakerEventListener(CircuitBreakerEvents circuitBreakerEvents)
        _circuitBreakerEvents = circuitBreakerEvents;
        _circuitBreakerEvents.CircuitBreakerChanged += CircuitBreakerEvents_CircuitBreakerChanged;

    private void CircuitBreakerEvents_CircuitBreakerChanged(CircuitBreakerState state)
        // Your implementation

    public void Dispose()
        _circuitBreakerEvents = null;

2. Create a custom Rebus OptionsConfigurer Extension

public static class MyCustomOptionsConfigurerExtensions
    public static void RegisterMyCustomCircuitBreakerEventListener(this OptionsConfigurer self) 
        self.Register(c => new MyCustomCircuitBreakerEventListener(c.Get<CircuitBreakerEvents>()));

3. Configure Rebus

    .Options(o => o.EnableCircuitBreaker(c => 