Places around the web where you can learn how to code.
We have not covered yet the topic that you want? Ask your friends to contribute to the project. :)
- Find the topic you want to add your link inside source/_includes directory;
- Choose the file with the language (portuguese, english, ...) that your link belongs to;
- Add your link inside the proper category (article, course, book, ...) using markdown markup. Do not forget to indicate whether a content is paid or free. Should end up looking like this:
###[link title](link url) 
###[link title](link url) 
Note: if the source request a donation or accept donations, you can indicate like this:
###[link title](link url)  
- Commit and pull request. :)
####Adding new topic We still don't have an automatic way to generate a new topic, but we are working on it.
For now you can give a look at existing topics.
See the Python files as example: