BambooFort Collective is a security implementation guide for web servers in low-resource environments. Through documented best practices and automation scripts, we show how to configure servers securely while effectively integrating open-source security tools (ModSecurity, Monit, Lynis, etc.) on AlmaLinux systems. These battle-tested configurations help small-scale web deployments achieve optimal security without overburdening limited resources.
竹盾安全集是一套针对低资源网站服务器环境的安全实施指南。我们通过文档化的最佳实践和自动化脚本,展示如何在 AlmaLinux 系统上安全配置服务器及有效组合开源安全工具(如 ModSecurity、Monit、Lynis 等)。这些经过生产环境检验的配置方案,帮助中小型网站部署在有限资源下实现最优安全防护。
Please note that this project is currently under development. Some features and documentation may not be complete.