Releases: redomar/JavaGame
Imporoved Player Animation & Customization
Player animations improved. When player stops his hands and feet level out.
Improved player customization. Now you can choose between African and Caucasian skin tones.
Miner bug fixes
More General Updates
Menus now have Keyboard controls enabled (arrow keys).
Added a new Quit button (Q).
Updated how strings get printed on the console - Now with time stamp
Alpha 1.6.2 - Updated Menus and Swim [stable]
Added dirt and mud with the ability of NPC and Players to swim in
Enabled the menu
Optimized swimming
Optimization to the code to remove extra empty lines
Alpha 1.6.1 - General Updates
Added magma with the ability of NPC and Players to swim in
Major updates to the menu(hidden on this release)
General Optimization to the code
Alpha 1.6 - Basic AI
Alpha 1.5.4 - General Updates [Stable]
Added guest names to players with no name.
Added time and colour to the HUD
and more
Alpha 1.5.2 - UI changes
Revamped UI to look more like the OS you're using
Added Chests - needs more work
Added a way to quickly swap maps but due to instability in multiplayer I disabled it.
Alpha 1.5.1 - Music Update
The songs are more randomized now, you have 2/3 chance of hearing 'Towards the End' than 'Yoshi'
Alpha 1.5 - Music and Hud [stable]
Added a music player in the game so if you press 'M' key music will play
Added a HUD at the bottom showing some information.
Fix issues along the way, including network related.