This is a movie listing app developed using Vue.js with TypeScript and the Composition API. It retrieves a list of movies from a mock API and renders them according to the provided user stories. The app is written in Vue 3, utilizing the Composition API.
- User can see a list of movies from the provided API.
- User can browse the movie list using pagination, with 10 items per page.
- User can search movies by title.
- User can star/unstar a movie from the list and can keep starred movies in a "Favorites" section.
- Upon loading the app, the MovieList component will fetch the list of movies from the API and display them.
- You can navigate through the list using the pagination at the bottom.
- To search for movies, enter a title in the search input. The movie list will update dynamically based on the search query.
- To star/unstar a movie, click on the star icon next to the movie item. The starred movies will be added to the "Favorites" section.
- You can also navigate to the "Favorites" section to view and manage your starred movies.
Feel free to explore and enjoy the movie listing app!
The app consists of the following components:
- MovieList: Renders the list of movies retrieved from the API, allows searching by title, and provides pagination functionality.
- Favorites: Displays the user's favorite movies.
The JSON Mock API provided by HackerRank has been used here. It is a public API that allows you to retrieve movie-related data. It provides a variety of endpoints to query and retrieve movie information in JSON format.
The base URL for the API is, and it offers several endpoints for different operations and filters.
- Vue3 (Composition API & SFC)
- Vuetify
- TypeScript
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).
See Vite Configuration Reference.
Install Dependencies
npm install
Run the project
npm run dev
Build the project
npm run build