DangerBot is an automated project designed to monitor the HTML-based game Urban Dead.
This project uses pipenv to manage dependencies. Once pipenv is installed on your system you can run the following commands to get its dependencies and run it.
pipenv install
You can run DangerBot with the following commands
# to move the characters in the game
pipenv run python -m dangerbot scout
# to update the wiki from the logs
pipenv run python -m dangerbot report
There are 3 main objectives that DangerBot is designed to accomplish
- Check the Urban Dead wiki for stale information about the game's buildings
- Check the Urban Dead wiki for stale information about the game's mobile phone masts
- Walk several characters around the game city to gather information used to update the game's wiki
To install dependencies for developing DangerBot you should run the following command
pipenv install --dev
To execute the tests, simply run
pipenv run python -m pytest
This project is distributed under the terms of the LICENSE file found at the top level of this repository.