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cassiatorczon committed Jan 14, 2025
1 parent fc0c976 commit b5ff68b
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Showing 5 changed files with 115 additions and 102 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ module Clause = struct
aux clause_packing_ft

let rec explicit_negative_guards_aux (cs : t list) (prev_negated : IT.t) : t list =
let rec explicit_negative_guards_aux (cs : t list) (prev_negated : IT.t) : t list =
let cerb_loc = Cerb_location.unknown in
match cs with
| [] -> []
| {loc; guard=cur_guard; packing_ft} :: cs' ->
| { loc; guard=cur_guard; packing_ft } :: cs' ->
let cur =
{loc; guard=IT.and_ [prev_negated; cur_guard] cerb_loc; packing_ft}
{ loc; guard=IT.and_ [ prev_negated; cur_guard ] cerb_loc; packing_ft }
let so_far_ng = IT.and_ [IT.not_ cur_guard cerb_loc; prev_negated] cerb_loc in
let so_far_ng = IT.and_ [ IT.not_ cur_guard cerb_loc; prev_negated ] cerb_loc in
cur :: explicit_negative_guards_aux cs' so_far_ng

Expand Down
124 changes: 62 additions & 62 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ open ResultWithData

(* ask the solver if the given set of constraints is satisfiable *)
let ask_solver g lcs =
match (Solver.ask_solver g lcs) with
match Solver.ask_solver g lcs with
| Unsat -> No !^"Solver returned No."
| Unknown -> Unknown !^"Solver returned Unknown."
| Sat -> Yes lcs
Expand All @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ let ask_solver g lcs =
let convert_symmap_to_lc (m : IT.t Sym.Map.t) : LogicalConstraints.t list =
let loc = Cerb_location.unknown in
let kvs = Sym.Map.bindings m in
let to_lc (k, v) = LC.T (IT.eq_ (IT.IT (IT.Sym k, IT.get_bt v, loc) , v) loc) in
let to_lc (k, v) = LC.T (IT.eq_ (IT.IT (IT.Sym k, IT.get_bt v, loc), v) loc) in to_lc kvs

Expand All @@ -50,25 +50,25 @@ let rec check_pred (name : Sym.t) (def : Def.Predicate.t) (candidate : IT.t) (ct
: LAT.check_result
(* ensure candidate type matches output type of predicate *)
if (not (BT.equal (IT.get_bt candidate) (def.oarg_bt))) then
if not (BT.equal (IT.get_bt candidate) (def.oarg_bt)) then
^^^ IT.pp candidate
^^^ !^"has different type from predicate output:"
^^^ BT.pp (IT.get_bt candidate)
^^^ !^" versus"
^^^ BT.pp def.oarg_bt
^^^ !^".")
^^^ IT.pp candidate
^^^ !^"has different type from predicate output:"
^^^ BT.pp (IT.get_bt candidate)
^^^ !^" versus"
^^^ BT.pp def.oarg_bt
^^^ !^".")
else (
match def.clauses with
| None -> Unknown (!^"Predicate" ^^^ Sym.pp name ^^^ !^"is uninterpreted. ")
| Some clauses ->
let clauses_with_guards = Def.Clause.explicit_negative_guards clauses in
(* for each clause, check if candidate could have been its output *)
let checked = (fun c -> check_clause c candidate ctxt def.iargs) clauses_with_guards (fun c -> check_clause c candidate ctxt def.iargs) clauses_with_guards
LAT.combine_results checked
LAT.combine_results checked)

(* check if a candidate term could have been the output of a predicate clause *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,48 +121,48 @@ and get_var_constraints
match Sym.Map.find_opt v var_def_locs with
| None ->
(match (Sym.Map.find_opt v ctxt.logical, Sym.Map.find_opt v ctxt.computational) with
| Some (Value it, _), _ -> get_body_constraints it var_def_locs v_cand ctxt iargs
| _, Some (Value it, _) -> get_body_constraints it var_def_locs v_cand ctxt iargs
(* TODO: logical vs computational *)
(* TODO: BaseType case? *)
| _ ->
let f = fun (s, _) -> Sym.equal s v in
if (Base.List.exists iargs ~f) then
Yes ([], var_cands)
Unknown (!^"Could not find variable definition line for" ^^^ (Sym.pp v)))
| Some (Value it, _), _ -> get_body_constraints it var_def_locs v_cand ctxt iargs
| _, Some (Value it, _) -> get_body_constraints it var_def_locs v_cand ctxt iargs
(* TODO: logical vs computational *)
(* TODO: BaseType case? *)
| _ ->
let f (s, _) = Sym.equal s v in
if (Base.List.exists iargs ~f) then
Yes ([], var_cands)
Unknown (!^"Could not find variable definition line for" ^^^ (Sym.pp v)))
| Some line ->
match line with
(* recurse with x's definition *)
| DefineL ((_, t), _) ->
get_body_constraints t var_def_locs v_cand ctxt iargs (*TODO: variable conflicts?*)
| ResourceL ((_, (p, _)), _) ->
match p with
| P psig ->
(match with
| Owned (_, _) ->
(* if the predicate is Owned, its pointer argument should not be null *)
let neq = IT.ne__ psig.pointer (IT.null_ loc) loc in
Yes ([LC.T neq], var_cands)
(match line with
(* recurse with x's definition *)
| DefineL ((_, t), _) ->
get_body_constraints t var_def_locs v_cand ctxt iargs (*TODO: variable conflicts?*)
| ResourceL ((_, (p, _)), _) ->
(match p with
| P psig ->
(match with
| Owned (_, _) ->
(* if the predicate is Owned, its pointer argument should not be null *)
let neq = IT.ne__ psig.pointer (IT.null_ loc) loc in
Yes ([LC.T neq], var_cands)
| PName name ->
(* search for predicate definition *)
match Sym.Map.find_opt name with
| Some pdef ->
(* TODO: this doesn't account for looking up args of the predicate further up in the graph.
Adding that will require dealing with scoping issues, e.g. if
a candidate or line definition for one of the arguments includes a variable with a
different usage within the predicate *)
(match check_pred name pdef v_cand ctxt with
| Yes cs -> Yes (cs, var_cands)
| No e -> No e
| Unknown e -> Unknown e
| Error e -> Error e)
| None ->
Unknown (!^"Could not find definition of predicate" ^^^ Sym.pp name)
(match Sym.Map.find_opt name with
| Some pdef ->
(* TODO: this doesn't account for looking up args of the predicate further up in the graph.
Adding that will require dealing with scoping issues, e.g. if
a candidate or line definition for one of the arguments includes a variable with a
different usage within the predicate *)
(match check_pred name pdef v_cand ctxt with
| Yes cs -> Yes (cs, var_cands)
| No e -> No e
| Unknown e -> Unknown e
| Error e -> Error e)
| None ->
Unknown (!^"Could not find definition of predicate" ^^^ Sym.pp name))
| Q qsig ->
let _ = qsig in
Unknown (!^"Quantified predicates are out of scope for now.")
Unknown (!^"Quantified predicates are out of scope for now.")))

(** End section: Infrastructure for checking if a countermodel satisfies a predicate **)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,31 +322,31 @@ let state (ctxt : C.t) log model_with_q extras =
match (Request.get_name rt, o) with
| Owned _, _ -> None
| PName s, Resource.O it ->
(match (Sym.Map.find_opt s defs), evaluate it with
| Some def, Some cand -> Some (check_pred s def cand ctxt, rt, it)
| Some _, None ->
Some (Error (!^"Could not locate definition of variable" ^^^ IT.pp it), rt, it)
| None, _ ->
Some (Error (!^"Could not locate definition of predicate" ^^^ Sym.pp s), rt, it))
(match (Sym.Map.find_opt s defs, evaluate it) with
| Some def, Some cand -> Some (check_pred s def cand ctxt, rt, it)
| Some _, None ->
Some (Error (!^"Could not locate definition of variable" ^^^ IT.pp it), rt, it)
| None, _ ->
Some (Error (!^"Could not locate definition of predicate" ^^^ Sym.pp s), rt, it))
let checked = LAT.filter_map_some check (C.get_rs ctxt) in
let nos, rest = List.partition (fun (r, _, _) -> is_no r) checked in
let yeses, unknown = List.partition (fun (r, _, _) -> is_yes r) rest in
let pp_checked_res (_, req, cand) =
let rslt = Req.pp req ^^^ !^", output: " ^^^ IT.pp cand in
{ original = rslt ;
{ original = rslt;
(*TODO: original = LAT.pp_check_result (snd p) ;*)
simplified = [rslt]
simplified = [ rslt ]
( pp_checked_res nos)
( pp_checked_res unknown)
(Rp.add_labeled Rp.lab_valid ( pp_checked_res yeses) Rp.labeled_empty))
( pp_checked_res unknown)
(Rp.add_labeled Rp.lab_valid ( pp_checked_res yeses) Rp.labeled_empty))
let not_given_to_solver =
(* get predicates from past steps of trace not given to solver *)
Expand Down
68 changes: 39 additions & 29 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ let filter_map_some (f : 'a -> 'b option) (l : 'a list) : 'b list =

(* Gives a single canonical result *)
let combine_results (results : check_result list) : check_result =
match results with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,24 +273,25 @@ let def_line_pp dl =
| ResourceL ((s, (re, _)), _) ->
group (!^"take" ^^^ Sym.pp s ^^^ equals ^^^ Req.pp re ^^ semi)

(* Optionally zip two lists, returning None if the lists have different lengths *)
let rec zip (l1 : 'a list) (l2 : 'b list) : ('a * 'b) list option =
match l1, l2 with
match (l1, l2) with
| [], [] -> Some []
| h1 :: tl1, h2 :: tl2 ->
(match zip tl1 tl2 with Some zs -> Some ((h1, h2) :: zs) | None -> None)
| _, _ -> None

(* Take the union of two symbol maps,
removing any key that is in both maps but has a different value in each *)
let merge_eq (eq : 'a -> 'a -> bool) (m1 : 'a Sym.Map.t) (m2 : 'a Sym.Map.t)
: 'a Sym.Map.t
let merge _ v1 v2 =
if eq v1 v2 then Some v1 else None
let merge _ v1 v2 = if eq v1 v2 then Some v1 else None in
Sym.Map.union merge m1 m2

(* Build a map by using f to develop a map for each
pair of elements in the two lists, failing
if they produce different results for any symbol or if
Expand All @@ -313,15 +315,15 @@ let rec get_var_cands (exp : IT.t) (candidate : IT.t)
let map_from_IT_lists = map_from_lists get_var_cands IT.equal in
let sort_by_discard_fst compare l = snd ( List.sort (fun p1 p2 -> compare (fst p1) (fst p2)) l) snd (List.sort (fun p1 p2 -> compare (fst p1) (fst p2)) l)
let sort_by_id = sort_by_discard_fst in
let sort_by_pattern = sort_by_discard_fst (Terms.compare_pattern in
let map_with_guard_unknown g l1 l1' =
if g then map_from_IT_lists l1 l1' else (Unknown (Pp.bool g ^^^ !^" not satisfied"))
if g then map_from_IT_lists l1 l1' else Unknown (Pp.bool g ^^^ !^" not satisfied")
let map_with_guard_no g l1 l1' =
if g then map_from_IT_lists l1 l1' else (No (Pp.bool g ^^^ !^" not satisfied") )
if g then map_from_IT_lists l1 l1' else No (Pp.bool g ^^^ !^" not satisfied")
let default =
Expand All @@ -337,7 +339,10 @@ let rec get_var_cands (exp : IT.t) (candidate : IT.t)
| ITE (exp1, exp2, exp3), ITE (exp1', exp2', exp3') ->
map_from_IT_lists [ exp1; exp2; exp3 ] [ exp1'; exp2'; exp3' ]
| EachI ((z1, (v, bty), z2), exp1), EachI ((z1', (v', bty'), z2'), exp1') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (z1 = z1' && Sym.equal v v' && BT.equal bty bty' && z2 = z2') [ exp1 ] [ exp1' ]
(z1 = z1' && Sym.equal v v' && BT.equal bty bty' && z2 = z2')
[ exp1 ]
[ exp1' ]
| Tuple exps, Tuple exps' -> map_from_IT_lists exps exps'
| NthTuple (n, exp1), NthTuple (n', exp1') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (n = n') [ exp1 ] [ exp1' ]
Expand All @@ -357,36 +362,34 @@ let rec get_var_cands (exp : IT.t) (candidate : IT.t)
map_with_guard_no (Sym.equal name name') (sort_by_id args) (sort_by_id args')
| MemberShift (exp1, v, id), MemberShift (exp1', v', id') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (Sym.equal v v' && Id.equal id id') [ exp1 ] [ exp1' ]
| ArrayShift {base; ct; index}, ArrayShift {base=base'; ct=ct'; index=index'} ->
| ArrayShift { base; ct; index }, ArrayShift { base=base'; ct=ct'; index=index' }
map_with_guard_unknown (Sctypes.equal ct ct') [base; index ] [base'; index' ]
| CopyAllocId {addr=exp1; loc=exp2}, CopyAllocId {addr=exp1'; loc=exp2'} ->
| CopyAllocId { addr=exp1; loc=exp2 }, CopyAllocId { addr=exp1'; loc=exp2' } ->
map_from_IT_lists [ exp1; exp2 ] [ exp1'; exp2' ]
| HasAllocId exp1, HasAllocId exp1' ->
get_var_cands exp1 exp1'
| SizeOf cty, SizeOf cty' ->
map_with_guard_unknown (Sctypes.equal cty cty') [] []
| HasAllocId exp1, HasAllocId exp1' -> get_var_cands exp1 exp1'
| SizeOf cty, SizeOf cty' -> map_with_guard_unknown (Sctypes.equal cty cty') [] []
| OffsetOf (v, id), OffsetOf (v', id') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (Sym.equal v v' && Id.equal id id') [] []
| Nil bty, Nil bty' ->
map_with_guard_no (BT.equal bty bty') [] []
| Cons (h, tl), Cons (h', tl') ->
map_from_IT_lists [ h; tl ] [ h'; tl' ]
| Head l, Head l' ->
get_var_cands l l'
| Tail l, Tail l' ->
get_var_cands l l'
| NthList (exp1, exp2, exp3), NthList (exp1', exp2', exp3') ->
| Nil bty, Nil bty' -> map_with_guard_no (BT.equal bty bty') [] []
| Cons (h, tl), Cons (h', tl') -> map_from_IT_lists [ h; tl ] [ h'; tl' ]
| Head l, Head l' -> get_var_cands l l'
| Tail l, Tail l' -> get_var_cands l l'
| NthList (exp1, exp2, exp3), NthList (exp1', exp2', exp3') ->
map_from_IT_lists [ exp1; exp2; exp3 ] [ exp1'; exp2'; exp3' ]
| ArrayToList (exp1, exp2, exp3), ArrayToList (exp1', exp2', exp3') ->
map_from_IT_lists [ exp1; exp2; exp3 ] [ exp1'; exp2'; exp3' ]
| Representable (cty, exp1), Representable (cty', exp1') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (Sctypes.equal cty cty') [ exp1 ] [ exp1' ]
| Good (cty, exp1), Good (cty', exp1') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (Sctypes.equal cty cty') [ exp1 ] [ exp1' ]
| Aligned { t=exp1; align=exp2}, Aligned { t=exp1'; align=exp2'} ->
| Aligned { t=exp1; align=exp2 }, Aligned { t=exp1'; align=exp2' } ->
map_from_IT_lists [ exp1; exp2 ] [ exp1'; exp2' ]
| WrapI (ity, exp1), WrapI (ity', exp1') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (Cerb_frontend.IntegerType.integerTypeEqual ity ity') [ exp1 ] [ exp1' ]
(Cerb_frontend.IntegerType.integerTypeEqual ity ity')
[ exp1 ]
[ exp1' ]
| MapConst (bty, exp1), MapConst (bty', exp1') ->
map_with_guard_unknown (BT.equal bty bty') [ exp1 ] [ exp1' ]
| MapSet (exp1, exp2, exp3), MapSet (exp1', exp2', exp3') ->
Expand All @@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ let rec get_var_cands (exp : IT.t) (candidate : IT.t)
(* included so the compiler will catch any missing new constructors *)
| Const _, _ -> default
| Unop _, _ -> default
| Binop _, _-> default
| Binop _, _ -> default
| ITE _, _ -> default
| EachI _, _ -> default
| Tuple _, _ -> default
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,11 +446,17 @@ let rec get_var_cands (exp : IT.t) (candidate : IT.t)
| Match _, _ -> default
| Cast _, _ -> default

(* Get the free variables from an expression *)
let get_fvs (exp : IT.t) : Sym.t list = Sym.Set.elements (IT.free_vars exp)

(*TODO: what if lcs mention vars not examined in the algorithm*)
let rec organize_lines_aux (lines : packing_ft) (defs : def_line Sym.Map.t) (lcs : LC.t list): IT.t * def_line Sym.Map.t * (LC.t list) =
let rec organize_lines_aux
(lines : packing_ft)
(defs : def_line Sym.Map.t)
(lcs : LC.t list)
: IT.t * def_line Sym.Map.t * (LC.t list)
match lines with
| Define ((v, it), i, next) ->
let ln = DefineL ((v, it), i) in
Expand All @@ -460,7 +469,8 @@ let rec organize_lines_aux (lines : packing_ft) (defs : def_line Sym.Map.t) (lcs
| Constraint (lc, _, next) -> organize_lines_aux next defs (lc :: lcs)
| I it -> (it, defs, lcs)

(* Sort lines into the returned expression, a map of variables to their defining lines, and a list of constraints *)
let organize_lines (lines : packing_ft) : IT.t * def_line Sym.Map.t * (LC.t list) = organize_lines_aux lines Sym.Map.empty []
let organize_lines (lines : packing_ft) : IT.t * def_line Sym.Map.t * LC.t list = organize_lines_aux lines Sym.Map.empty []

(** End infrastructure for checking if a countermodel satisfies a predicate **)
(** End infrastructure for checking if a countermodel satisfies a predicate **)
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,24 +241,25 @@ let simp_view s =

let table_by_label mk_table render data main_lab labs =
let get_table lab =
match (StrMap.find_opt lab data) with
match StrMap.find_opt lab data with
| None -> (lab, "(none)")
| Some t -> (lab, mk_table ( render t))
let tables = get_table labs in
let combine_tables acc (new_lab, new_table) = acc ^ details new_lab new_table in
List.fold_left combine_tables (snd (get_table main_lab)) tables

let make_invalid_resources rs =
[lab_unknown; lab_valid])
[ lab_unknown; lab_valid ])

let make_not_given_to_solver ds =
Expand Down

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