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Some code reorganisation and tidying-up
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ric-almeida committed Oct 21, 2024
1 parent 72c5bcc commit 2f02c44
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Showing 3 changed files with 184 additions and 195 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion coq-cheri-capabilities.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ maintainer: ["[email protected]"]
authors: ["Ricardo Almeida" "Vadim Zaliva"]
license: "BSD-3-clause"
homepage: ""
version: "20241011"
version: "20241021"
bug-reports: ""
depends: [
"dune" {>= "3.7"}
Expand Down
179 changes: 174 additions & 5 deletions theories/Common/Utils.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,11 @@ Require Import Coq.Floats.PrimFloat.
Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums.
Require Import Coq.Vectors.Vector.
Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect Utf8.

From stdpp Require Import bitvector tactics list.

From SailStdpp Require Import MachineWord.

Import ListNotations.

Expand All @@ -16,6 +20,72 @@ Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope bool_scope.

Definition eqb {n} (v1 v2 : bv n) : bool :=
v1.(bv_unsigned) =? v2.(bv_unsigned).
Definition ltb {n} (v1 v2 : bv n) : bool :=
v1.(bv_unsigned) <? v2.(bv_unsigned).
Definition leb {n} (v1 v2 : bv n) : bool :=
ltb v1 v2 || eqb v1 v2.
Definition gtb {n} (v1 v2 : bv n) : bool :=
ltb v2 v1.
Definition geb {n} (v1 v2 : bv n) : bool :=
gtb v1 v2 || eqb v1 v2.

Local Close Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope bv_scope.

Notation "x =? y" := (eqb x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : bv_scope.
Notation "x <? y" := (ltb x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : bv_scope.
Notation "x <=? y" := (leb x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : bv_scope.
Notation "x >? y" := (gtb x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : bv_scope.
Notation "x >=? y" := (geb x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : bv_scope.

Local Notation "(<@{ A } )" := (@lt A) (only parsing) : stdpp_scope.
Local Notation LtDecision A := (RelDecision (<@{A})).

(** Utility converters and lemmas **)

Definition bv_to_Z_unsigned {n} (v : bv n) : Z := v.(bv_unsigned).
Definition bv_to_N {n} (v : bv n) : N := Z.to_N v.(bv_unsigned).
Definition bv_to_bv {n} {m : N} (v : bv n) : (bv m) :=
Z_to_bv m (bv_to_Z_unsigned v).
Definition bv_to_list_bool {n} (v : bv n) : list bool := bv_to_bits v.

Definition mword_to_bv {n} : mword n -> bv (N.of_nat (Z.to_nat n)) :=
fun x => get_word x.

Definition bv_to_mword {n} : bv (N.of_nat (Z.to_nat n)) -> mword n :=
match n with
| Zneg _ => fun _ => MachineWord.zeros _
| Z0 => fun w => w
| Zpos _ => fun w => w
Definition bv_to_mword' {n} : bv (N.of_nat (Z.to_nat n)) -> mword n :=
fun w => to_word w.

Definition invert_bits {n} (m : mword n) : (mword n) :=
let l : list bool := mword_to_bools m in
let l := map negb l in
let x : mword (Z.of_nat (base.length l)) := of_bools l in
let x : Z := int_of_mword false x in
mword_of_int x.

Lemma bv_eqb_eq {n} : forall (a b: bv n), (a =? b) = true <-> a = b.
- intro H. unfold eqb in H.
apply Z.eqb_eq in H. apply bv_eq in H. exact H.
- intro H. rewrite H. unfold eqb. lia.

Lemma bv1_neqb_eq0 : forall (a : bv 1), (a =? 1%bv) = false <-> a = 0%bv.
intros. split.
+ intro H. unfold eqb in H. apply Z.eqb_neq in H. apply bv_eq.
assert (P: (0 ≤ bv_unsigned a < 2)%Z); [ apply (bv_unsigned_in_range 1 a) |].
change (bv_unsigned 0) with 0%Z. change (bv_unsigned 1) with 1%Z in H. lia.
+ intro H. rewrite H. done.

(** Inlike OCaml version if lists have different sizes, we just terminate
after consuming the shortest one, without signaling error *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,6 +147,31 @@ Definition bool_bits_of_bytes (bytes : list ascii): list bool
List.concat (map ascii_to_bits bytes).

Lemma byte_chunks_len {a} (l : list a) l' :
(8 | length l)%nat →
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
length l' = ((length l)/8)%nat.
intro Hdiv. unfold Nat.divide in Hdiv. destruct Hdiv as [q Hdiv].

assert (P: ∀ q (l : list a) l', length l = (q*8)%nat → byte_chunks l = Some l' → length l' = q).
{ intro q'. induction q' as [| n IH].
{ intros l0 l0' Hlen Hbytes. simpl in Hlen. apply nil_length_inv in Hlen. subst.
simpl in Hbytes. injection Hbytes. intros. subst. done. }
{ intros l0 l0' Hlen Hbytes. unfold byte_chunks in Hbytes.
destruct l0 eqn:E; [ done |].
repeat case_match; try done.
assert (Hlensub: length l8 = (n*8)%nat).
{ repeat rewrite cons_length in Hlen. simpl in Hlen. lia. }
specialize IH with (l:=l8) (l':=l9).
apply IH in Hlensub; [| done].
injection Hbytes. intro H'.
rewrite <- H'. rewrite cons_length. lia. } }

intro Hbytes. specialize P with (l:=l). apply P; try done.
rewrite Hdiv. rewrite Nat.div_mul; lia.

(* could be generalized as monadic map, or implemented as composition
of [map] and [sequence]. *)
Fixpoint try_map {A B:Type} (f : A -> option B) (l:list A) : option (list B)
Expand All @@ -94,6 +189,82 @@ Fixpoint try_map {A B:Type} (f : A -> option B) (l:list A) : option (list B)

Fact try_map_length
{A B:Type}
(f : A -> option B) (l:list A)
(l':list B):
try_map f l = Some l' -> length l = length l'.
intros H.
revert l' H.
induction l.
- intros l' H.
cbn in *.
inversion H.
- intros l' H.
cbn in *.
destruct (f a) eqn:Hfa; [| inversion H].
destruct (try_map f l) eqn:Htry; [| inversion H].
destruct l' as [| l0' l']; inversion H.
apply IHl.

Lemma try_map_to_map {A B:Type} (f : A -> option B) (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
try_map f l = Some l' ↔
map f l = map Some l'.
revert l l'.
assert (H: ∀ n l l', length l = n → try_map f l = Some l' ↔ map f l = map Some l').
{ induction n as [| m IH].
+ intros l l' H_len. apply list.nil_length_inv in H_len.
subst. simpl. split; intro H.
- inversion H. subst. reflexivity.
- symmetry in H. apply map_eq_nil in H. subst. reflexivity.
+ intros l l' H_len. destruct l as [| h t ] eqn:H_l; [ done |].
split; intro H; rewrite list.cons_length in H_len; apply eq_add_S in H_len.
- simpl in H. case_match eqn:H_h; try done. case_match eqn:H_t; try done.
match goal with
| _: try_map _ ?t = Some ?l
|- _
=> apply (IH t l H_len) in H_t
simpl. inversion H as [H'].
rewrite H_h H_t. reflexivity.
- simpl. simpl in H.
assert (H_len': length l' = S m).
{ rewrite <- (map_length f) in H_len. rewrite <- H_len.
rewrite <- (cons_length (f h)). rewrite H. by rewrite map_length. }
destruct l' as [|h' t'] eqn:H_l'; [ done |].
case_match eqn:H_h; try done. case_match eqn:H_t.
* apply f_equal. subst.
apply (IH t) in H_t; try done. rewrite H_t in H. rewrite <- map_cons in H.
by simplify_list_eq.
* subst. simpl in H.
apply (app_inj_2 [Some b] [Some h']) in H;
[| rewrite !map_length; rewrite cons_length in H_len'; lia ].
destruct H as [_ H].
apply (IH t) in H; [| reflexivity ]. rewrite H in H_t. done.
intros l l'. by apply (H (length l) l l').

Lemma try_map_app {A B:Type} (f : A -> option B) (l1 l2 : list A) (l1' l2' : list B) :
try_map f (l1++l2)%list = Some (l1'++l2')%list →
length l1 = length l1' →
try_map f l1 = Some l1' ∧ try_map f l2 = Some l2'.
intros H_map H_len.
apply try_map_to_map in H_map. rewrite !map_app in H_map.
apply (list.app_inj_1) in H_map; [| by rewrite !map_length ].
destruct H_map as [? ?].
split; by apply try_map_to_map.

Definition Z_integerRem_t := Z.rem.

Definition Z_integerRem_f a b :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,10 +303,8 @@ Lemma string_eq_refl: forall x : string, x x = Eq.
intros x.
induction x.
- auto.
- cbn.
rewrite ascii_eq_refl.
Expand All @@ -147,6 +316,6 @@ Lemma string_eq_trans: forall x y z : string,
intros x y z H0 H1.
apply String.compare_eq_iff in H0, H1.
rewrite H0, H1.
rewrite H0 H1.
apply string_eq_refl.

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