If you want something like this for your device, check out this guide
Deprecated - I don't have a oneplus 7 series phone anymore and so won't be updating this. Feel free to fork and modify/update - just be careful with the repartitioning (This was tested for Android Q, things may be different for 11)
Modified TWRP (Mauronofrio's build) and installer script for all OP7/Pro/5G variants that re-purposes userdata for true dual booting. You can still use this as a regular stock twrp zip - one stop shop for magisk, verity, and/or forced encryption modifications
- I am not responsible for anything bad that happens to your device. Only experienced users should be using this mod
- This is no walk in the park mod. Although I have extensively tested it, there is always the possibility of a brick with anything that involves repartitioning. Make sure you have a backup and know how to reparititon your phone back to stock (there's a guide at the end of this readme with the basics)
- YOU'VE BEEN WARNED - Use at your own risk
- If you set a password, regardless of encryption status, it'll corrupt the other slot if it's also password protected.
- Note that some roms set one automatically
Either don't use a password on one slot, or leave one slot (I'll use 'a' in this example) unencrypted and:
- Setup rom, password, and everything on slot a
- Boot back into twrp, choose common data as storage, and backup userdata (if not using a/b/c layout, backup TWRP folder to your computer)
- Setup rom, password, and everything on the other slot (b)
- Boot back into twrp, switch back to slot a (reboot back into twrp), and restore the twrp backup
- If you messed this up and are unencrypted - delete these files in /data/system if present: locksettings.db gatekeeper.password.key password.key gatekeeper.pattern.key pattern.key gatekeeper.gesture.key gesture.key
- If you messed this up and are encrypted - you lost the data on that slot:
- Unmount metadata in twrp gui
- Format metadata with this command:
mke2fs -t ext4 -b 4096 /dev/block/sda$metadata_partnum
where metadata_partnum is the partition number of the current metadata partition (you can find this withsgdisk /dev/block/sda --print
). DO NOT FORGET THE PARTITION NUMBER. If you do, you'll format all of sda which results in a brick - Reboot into twrp and format data in gui
- Note that some roms set one automatically
Either don't use a password on one slot, or leave one slot (I'll use 'a' in this example) unencrypted and:
- Storage settings only supports 128 and 256gb userdata partitions
- Just a cosmetic issue as it'll say that system is taking up the difference
- Can choose between stock layout, a/b userdata, or a/b/c userdata where 'c' is a common data partition that'll show up in both roms - it's quite handy
- Option to choose between ext4 and f2fs
- Disables verity - fstabs are modified for dual boot and so this is a must unless you choose stock layout in which case it's optional
- Option to disable forced encryption
- Option to install magisk
- If you choose a/b/c layout - you'll have a/b userdata, but you'll also get a 3rd userdata partition I call 'Common Data'
- The name 'Common Data' gives away its purpose - to store files that you'll access on both slots/roms. So stuff like zips, pictures, music, TWRP backups, etc.
- In TWRP, this shows up as another storage option for backup/restore and on your pc as well - your phone will have 'Common Storage' and 'Internal Storage'
- In order to be accessible when booted, some parts of the system are modified so that the it'll be accessible WITHOUT root by the following mechanisms:
- The common data partition is mounted to /sdcard/CommonData
- .nomedia file is placed in CommonData so files in it won't be picked up twice if you decide to mount over internal storage as outlined below
- Furthermore, if your use case is like mine where my music files are in common data, you can make 'mounts.txt' file in /datacommon containing a list of every FOLDER to mount directly over top of sdcard. So for example:
/datacommon/Music -> /sdcard/Music- This of course mounts over anything there (overwrites it for as long as it's mounted) so make sure that you don't have the same folder in both datacommon and regular data
- Note that there are 3 exceptions to this folder mounting rule:
- All - if this is the FIRST line, ALL folders in datacommon will be mounted
- Android
- lost+found
- The reasoning should be obvious - lost+found isn't something you should need to mess with and Android is for regular data partition only - that's OS specific and should be on separate slots
- Note that you should have 1 folder listed on every line, for example:
Music Pictures ViPER4AndroidFX
- You MUST be booted into TWRP already when flashing this zip (you can grab a bootable twrp image from here)
- Since this modifies data - the zip CANNOT be on sdcard or data at all UNLESS you do not want to repartition/format
- If you flash from data, the zip will copy itself to /tmp and instruct you to flash it from there OR you can just install twrp/magisk/disver-fec
- You could do the above or copy it to a place like /dev or /tmp and flash it from there
- Alternatively, you can adb sideload it
- Read through ALL the prompts - there's lots of options :)
- Nothing changes here except ONLY FLASH IN TWRP
- Roms always flash to the opposite slot. Keep that in mind and you'll be fine
- So don't take an OTA while booted - boot into twrp, switch slots, reboot into twrp, flash rom
- Normal flash procedure:
- Boot into twrp
- reboot into twrp selecting slot you do NOT want rom installed to
- Flash rom
- Flash this zip
- Reboot into twrp
- Flash everything else
- Usually this is because you switched roms without formatting data first. This should be flashing 101 but we all forget sometimes. Plus this slot stuff can get confusing
- If it only happens with a/b/c and not any other layout, there's a good chance it's selinux related. Try setting selinux to permissive at kernel level with this mod (source here).
- In the event any step in the repartioning fails, the entire installer aborts. The good news is that this prevents a potential brick. The bad is that you need to manually revert back
- Boot into twrp. If sgdisk is not present in sbin, grab it from this zip (in tools) and adb push it to /sbin and chmod +x it
sgdisk /dev/block/sda --print
Note that /dev/block/sda is the block that userdata and metadata are stored on - no other block is touched by this mod. This will show up the current partition scheme. Stock looks something like this (on OP7 Pro):
Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name
1 6 7 8.0 KiB FFFF ssd
2 8 8199 32.0 MiB FFFF persist
3 8200 8455 1024.0 KiB FFFF misc
4 8456 8711 1024.0 KiB FFFF param
5 8712 8839 512.0 KiB FFFF keystore
6 8840 8967 512.0 KiB FFFF frp
7 8968 74503 256.0 MiB FFFF op2
8 74504 77063 10.0 MiB FFFF oem_dycnvbk
9 77064 79623 10.0 MiB FFFF oem_stanvbk
10 79624 79879 1024.0 KiB FFFF mdm_oem_dycnvbk
11 79880 80135 1024.0 KiB FFFF mdm_oem_stanvbk
12 80136 80263 512.0 KiB FFFF config
13 80264 969095 3.4 GiB FFFF system_a
14 969096 1857927 3.4 GiB FFFF system_b
15 1857928 1883527 100.0 MiB FFFF odm_a
16 1883528 1909127 100.0 MiB FFFF odm_b
17 1909128 1913223 16.0 MiB FFFF metadata
18 1913224 1945991 128.0 MiB FFFF rawdump
19 1945992 61409274 226.8 GiB FFFF userdata
You may have different size userdata - mine is 256gb - depending on your device but that doesn't matter. You just need to see where they're located
Take note of the number (I'll call userdata_num for the sake of this tutorial) and start sector (userdata_start) for the first partition AFTER rawdump, and the end sector (userdata_end) of the last parititon on sda
sgdisk /dev/block/sda --change-name=17:metadata
- renames metadata partition back to non-ab stocksgdisk /dev/block/sda --delete=19
- this deletes the entire partition - use this command for each user/metadata partition after rawdump (ones generated by this zip)sgdisk /dev/block/sda --new=$userdata_num:$userdata_start:$userdata_end --change-name=$userdata_num:userdata
- this creates the new userdata partition- Final step is to format the new userdata partition:
mke2fs -t ext4 -b 4096 /dev/block/sda$userdata_num $userdata_size
- where userdata_size can be calculated with this shell command:sgdisk /dev/block/sda --print | grep "^ *$userdata_num" | awk '{print $3-$2+1}'
- MAKE SURE YOU VERIFY ALL VARIABLES HERE ARE SET PROPERLY - if you mess this up, you could format all of sda resulting in a brick
- Run
sgdisk /dev/block/sda --print
again to make sure everything is correct and then reboot back into twrp
03/29/2020 - 3.3.1-79 v4
- Add mount all option for datacommon mounts.txt
- Redid how commondata was mounted - fixed issues with lots of roms like AOSPA
- Magisk made optional for commondata - it is still needed for some roms though (like oos)
- Made other vars slot selectable
- Storage size detection fix
- Misc fixes/improvements
- Updated to magisk 20.4
03/23/2020 - 3.3.1-79 v3
- Put back needed binaries - mke2fs in busybox isn't sufficient - fixes errors some users were having
- Allow flashing zip from data if not repartitioning/formatting
03/20/2020 - 3.3.1-79 v2
- Changed datacommon mounting script to be more granular - user chooses what folders are mounted directly over internal storage
- Added f2fs format option - can choose format type for each slot
- Added more options for common data partition sizing
- Formerly investigated lockscreen issue - unfixable - see Limitations section for workaround
03/14/2020 - 3.3.1-79
- Initial Release