#STYLEGUIDE SCSS BOLIERPLATE Description - This boilerplate uses SCSS with a few helpful mixins such as custom column grid (any columns you want for each screen sizes), media query helpers, and flexbox shortcuts. This boilerplate also includes an index.html file as a style guide.
| — sass
| — _variables.scss
| — _global.scss
| — _mixins.scss
| — app.scss
| - _normalize.scss
| - _components.scss
| — app.css
| — config.rb
| — index.html
- _normalize.scss - https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/ v.5.0.0
- _global.scss - Includes all lower level css that affects the entire projects. i.e. blockquotes, h1, p
- _mixins.scss - Includes all custom mixins css helpers that are used in the project. For this boilerplate, grid, breakpoints(media query), and flexbox mixins are located here.
- _variables.scss - Defines all your global variables here including colors, fonts, grid & media query settings.
- _components.scss - Defines all commonly use components in the app. Use @extend method in app.scss to instantiate the components.
- app.scss - This file stores all the layout and specific css codes for all the pages. It is recommended to use css comment to separate codes from different pages.
- app.css - You should never have to touch this file as it is a compiled file.
- config.rb - Stores all SCSS settings.
- index.html - Contains html codes to help show off the current styles being implemented in this project.
##Variables You can customize it for every screen size below by changing the grid size value. ie. ('xxl', 2560px, $gridSize/ 2). Unfortunately due to sass’s limitation, if you wish to add more than 5 breakpoints, you will have to adjust grid and mediaQuery mixins accordingly.
$fontStyles variable has the following properties:
$fontstyles : (tag, font-family, font-weight, font-size, color, line-height, letter-spacing, margin, padding)
$gridSize : 12 ;
$breakpoints : ( ('xxl', 2560px, $gridSize),
('xl', 1440px, $gridSize), ('l', 1024px, $gridSize),
('m', 768px, $gridSize), ('s', 425px, $gridSize)
$border-box-mode - “true” to gives box-sizing: border-box to all grid properties.
##Mixins flex($justify-content, $align-items, $flex-direction, $flex-wrap) pass in values for the css properties.
grid($xxl, $xl, $l, $m, $s)
depending on your grid setup, pass in the column number for each screen sizes. ie. in a 12 column grid
@include grid(6,6,3,3,1);
=> output
@extend .xxl-6; => => width:16.5% in xx-large screen size;
@extend .xl-6; => width:16.5% in x-large screen size;
@extend .l-3; => width:33% in large screen size;
@extend .m-3; => width:33% in medium screen size;
@extend .s-1; => width:100% in small screen size;
mediaQuery($xxl, $xl, $l, $m, $s) to target a specific screen size, give the variable a value of 1 = true, 0 = false. ie. to create media query for only medium and small screen size:
// Your Code;
=> output
@media (max-width: 425px) {
// Your Code;