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Go Reference Go Report Card codecov License: MIT


GoValidator is a data validation package that can sanitize and validate your data to ensure its safety and integrity as much as possible. GoValidator will not use struct tags as validation and there is no need of them.

Our goal is to avoid using any type assertion or reflection for simplicity. We would be delighted if you were interested in helping us improve the GoValidator package. Feel free to make your pull request.

Getting Started

Go Validator includes a set of validation rules and a handy CustomRule() method to define any custom rule.


Run the following command to install the package:

go get


Import package in your code-base by using:

import validator ""


GoValidator package has the following features and method to use. Each validation rule in GoValidator has it's own default message, e.g: required rule for a required name has the default message of: name is required but you can define your custom field name and message.

Methods (also known as validation rules)

Method Description
RequiredInt RequiredInt checks if an integer value is provided or not.
RequiredFloat RequiredFloat checks if a float value is provided or not.
RequiredString RequiredString checks if a string value is empty or not.
RequiredSlice RequiredSlice checks if a slice has any value or not.
BetweenInt BetweenInt checks whether value falls within the specified range or not.
BetweenFloat BetweenFloat checks whether value falls within the specified range or not.
BetweenString BetweenString checks whether string length falls within the specified range or not.
Date Date checks value to be a valid, non-relative date with given layout.
Email Email checks value to match EmailRegex regular expression.
Exists Exists checks given value exists in given table or not.
NotExists NotExists checks given value doesn't exist in given table, except.
ExistsExceptSelf ExistsExceptSelf checks given value exists in a specified column of a table, excluding a row identified by selfID
LenString LenString checks length of given string is equal to given size or not.
LenInt LenInt checks length of given integer is equal to given size or not.
LenSlice LenSlice checks length of given slice is equal to given size or not.
MaxInt MaxInt checks given integer is less than or equal given max value.
MaxFloat MaxFloat checks given float is less than or equal given max value.
MaxString MaxString checks length of given string is less than or equal given max value.
MinInt MinInt checks given integer is greater than or equal given min value.
MinFloat MinFloat checks given float is greater than or equal given min value.
MinString MinString checks length of given string is greater than or equal given min value.
RegexMatches RegexMatches checks given string matches given regular expression pattern.
UUID UUID checks given value is a valid universally unique identifier (UUID).
When When will execute given closure if given condition is true.
URL URL will check given string is a valid URL or not.
Before Before will check if given time instant t is before given time instant u.
After After will check if given time instant t is after given time instant u.
IP4 IP4 will check whether given string is a valid IPV4.
DefaultInt DefaultInt sets a default value for any pointer to an int that is passed.
DefaultFloat DefaultFloat sets a default value for any pointer to a float that is passed.
DefaultString DefaultString sets a default value for any pointer to a string that is passed.
IsJSON IsJSON will check if given string is a valid JSON.
NumericString NumericString will check if given value is a valid string of numbers.
MAC MAC will check if given value is a valid MAC address.
Time Time will check if given value is a non-relative time with given layout.
CustomRule CustomRule is a dynamic method to define any custom validation rule.

Functions (other common validation rules)

Method Description
In In checks given value is included in the provided list of values.
Unique Unique checks whether values in the provided slice are unique.


  1. Simple usage: (Go Playground)

        type User struct {
            Name string `json:"name"`
            Age unit    `json:"age"`
        var user User
        v := govalidator.New() // be sure to import govalidator/v2
        v.RequiredInt(user.Age, "age", "").         // age can not be null or 0
            MinInt(user.Age, 18, "age", "")         // minimum value for age is 18
        v.RequiredString(user.Name, "name", "")     // name can not be null, "" or " "
            MaxString(user.Name, 50, "name", "")    // maximum acceptable length for name field is 50
        if v.IsFailed() {
            return v.Errors()  // will return failed validation error messages
  2. With custom field names and messages:

        type User struct {
            Name string `json:"name"`
        var user User
        v := govalidator.New()
        v.RequiredString(user.Name, "first_name", "please fill first_name field") // with custom field name and custom validation error message
        if v.IsFailed() {
            return v.Errors()
  3. Advanced usage with any custom validation rule: You can define any custom rules or any flexible rule that does not exist in default govalidator package. Simply use CustomRule() method to define your desired data validations:

        type Profile struct {
            Name   string
            Age    int
            Score  int
            Status []string
        var profile Profile
        // after filling profile struct
        v := govalidator.New()
        v.CustomRule(profile.Name != "", "name", "name is required")  // CustomRule is a method to define a custom rule as first parameter and then pass field name and validation error message
        v.CustomRule(profile.Age > 18, "age", "age must be greater than 18")
        // we just need to pass a bool as a rule
        // `checkScore()` is your custom method that returns a bool and can be used as a rule
        v.CustomRule(checkScore(), "score", "score must")
        // using `In` Generic rule:
        statuses := []string{"active", "inactive", "pending"}
        v.CustomRule(validator.In[ProfileStatuses](profile.Status, statuses), "status", "status must be in:...")
        if v.IsFailed() {
            return v.Errors()
  4. Deep Dive:

        type CategoryCreateReq struct {
            ParentID    *int   `json:"parent_id"`
            Name        string `json:"name"`
            Description string `json:"description"`
            Status      int    `json:"status"`
            Meta        string `json:"meta"`
        var categoryCreateReq CategoryCreateReq
        // after filling CategoryCreateReq struct with binding or other methods
        v := govalidator.New().WithRepo(validatorRepo)  // be sure to import govalidator/v2
    	ok := v.
    		RequiredString(req.Name, "name", msgCategoryNameRequired).
    		MaxString(req.Name, nameMaxLength, "name", msgCategoryNameMaxLength).
    		MinString(req.Name, nameMinLength, "name", msgCategoryNameMinLength).
    		NotExists(req.Name, "categories", "name", "name", msgCategoryNameAlreadyExists). // ensure the value of req.Name does not exist in the "name" column of the "categories" table in the database
    	  	MaxString(req.Description, descriptionMaxLength, "description", msgDescriptionMaxLength).
    	  	MinInt(req.Status, minStatus, "status", msgMinCategoryStatusIsWrong).
    	  	MaxInt(req.Status, maxStatus, "status", msgMaxCategoryStatusIsWrong).
    		IsJSON(req.Meta, "meta", msgMetaMustBeJSON).
    	  	When(req.ParentID != nil, func() {  
                		v.Exists(*req.ParentID, "categories", "id", "parent_id", msgCategoryParentIDNotExist)   // checks if the value of req.ParentID exists in the "id" column of the "categories" table in the database
        if !ok {
          return v.Errors()


I wrote the sample struct below as a DTO to run benchmarks. You can view full benchmark code on golang/playground however, as you probably already know, benchmarks cannot be executed directly on the playground playground and we have to use a code editor to run them.

type UserCreateReq struct {
	FirstName     string `json:"first_name"`
	LastName      string `json:"last_name"`
	PhoneNumber   string `json:"phone_number"`
	Email         string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	FatherName    string `json:"father_name"`
	CertificateID string `json:"certificate_id"`
	BirthDate     string `json:"birth_date"`
	CompanyID     int    `json:"company_id"`
	Gender        int8   `json:"gender"`

The result on Apple M3 Pro, 11 CPU Cores, 18GB RAM:

Library Operations/sec (ns/op) Memory Allocations (B/op) Allocations/op
govalidator 870.1 ns/op 394 B/op 22 allocs/op
go-playground 17750.6 ns/op 20158 B/op 284 alloc/op
ozzo-validation 4597 ns/op 7192 B/op 126 allocs/op

And the result on my benchmark server Ubuntu 24.0, AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-Core Processor, 32GB RAM

Library Operations/sec (ns/op) Memory Allocations (B/op) Allocations/op
govalidator 1462 ns/op 390 B/op 23 allocs/op
go-playground 32911 ns/op 20920 B/op 287 alloc/op
ozzo-validation 9703 ns/op 7106 B/op 127 allocs/opLibrary


A simple, efficient, type-safe, easy to use Golang validator without any struct tag or type assertion.




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