"Cats, Dogs and their Owners".
In the same folder as this one you will find an service specification for a CatsDogsOwners(CDO) API.
For this technical test you need to design a single page application that will consume this CDO API, and allow users of the page to:
Create, list, rename and delete; Cats, Dogs and Owners.
Allocate pets to, and remove Pets from, an Owner.
Requirements that we would like you to work in to your solution...
It is important that page users are able to perform their pet based administration tasks very quickly. After surveying a small user group we have determined that the following features are highly desirable to CDO users:
A single page where all Cats, Dogs and Owners are visible at the same time.
A 'card' based system, in which each Cat, Dog or Owner is represented by a card that can be dragged and dropped.
Dragging a Cat or Dog card onto an Owner card should allocate that Pet to that Owner.
All cards should present an intuitive way to rename or delete the card.
It is desirable that removing a Pet from an Owner should be as equally fast to perform as adding them.
It is desirable for the cards to be colour coded.
It is desirable for the cards to be drag-and-droppable anywhere on the page.
This app has been tested with Firefox, Edge, Chrome. IE is not supported.
The app has scalable (rather than responsive) styling as it would probably not work well on mobile devices.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.