Mobile client for conflab
It aims to be easy adoptable as single conference application.
By default it is using project
When using Qt from Qt Installer (i.e. not compiling it yourself), use NDK r10e. Anything else will give you a hard time because Qt itself is built against this version.
Also newer NDKs have completely replaced GCC with clang and libc++ - mixing libstdc++ Qt and libc++-built binary does not really work. Neither does OpenSSL unless you use OpenSSL 1.1.1, which pre-compiler Qt does not support.
- Download this script
- Modify the script:
- if you get an error on line 201, replace the
with a single=
- Download latest OpenSSL 1.0 (OpenSSL 1.1 will not work with precompiled Qt, may work if you build Qt yourself)
- Build OpenSSL for Android ARM:
cd openssl-1.0.2p export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e . ../ ./Configure shared android make CALC_VERSIONS="SHLIB_COMPAT=; SHLIB_SOVER=" build_libs mkdir -p /path/to/android-confla/android/libs/armeabi-v7a mv /path/to/android-confla/android/libs/armeabi-v7a/ make distclean
- Modify the script again:
- Build OpenSSL for Android x64
cd openssl-1.0.2p export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/opt/android/android-ndk-r10e . ../ ./Configure shared android-x86 make CALC_VERSIONS="SHLIB_COMPAT=; SHLIB_SOVER=" build_libs mkdir -p /path/to/android-confla/android/libs/x86 mv /path/to/android-confla/android/libs/x86/
That's all, qmake should pick up the libraries automatically if they exist in android/libs/[arch]