A Ruby on Rails 7.1 application that allows to create, change, delete and reorder TODO notes.
This is a simple exercise in Hotwire and StimilusJS, starting from a "normal" Rails application created with my quickstart template.
Drag-and-drop re-ordering is accomplished with:
These are the Ruby and Bundler versions the application was bundled with, more recent versions should also work:
- Ruby 3.2.2
- Bundler 2.4.22
You will also need SQLite3 and libvips (see here for more information).
The following commands will download the app's code, download or update the required Ruby Gems, and prepare a database for the application.
git clone https://github.com/riccardo-giomi/rails-todo-list
cd rails-todo-list
bin/rails db:setup
Five example Todos are available as seeds:
bin/rails db:seed
The specs are still incomplete, missing examples for sorting and general Hotwire behaviour, but what is available can be run with:
bundle exec rspec
The server can be started with:
The application will be available to a browser at http://localhost:3000