A different way to look at your channels-dvr recording schedule.
This is now a simple Docker image setup, and it can be run on a different host than your channels-dvr machine.
Please don't run this on a public facing machine!, Use at your OWN RISK, etc, etc.
Running the container is easy:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8889:80 -e "TZ=America/Los_Angeles" -e channels=http://<<your channels-dvr ip address>>:8089 --name channels-dvr-gantt ricm916/channels-dvr-gantt
You will want to change the timezone parameter to match your region. A list of timezones that "should" work can be found HERE
You can also change the default screen refresh rate (60 seconds) by adding another environment variable:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8889:80 -e "TZ=America/Los_Angeles" -e refresh=30 -e channels=http://<<your channels-dvr ip address>>:8089 --name channels-dvr-gantt ricm916/channels-dvr-gantt
You can see the recording schedule in your browser:
http://<<ip address of host>>:8889