Ride Share Market - Free, accessible and open source Ride Sharing.
This git repository is the AngularJS App for ridesharemarket.com.
git clone https://github.com/ride-share-market/app.git
cd app && git checkout develop
npm install -g bower bower-update gulp
npm install
bower install
gulp init
- Update the config/env/.json files.
Karma test runner using Mocha, Sinon and Chai
- Start karma, run tests once and exit.
gulp karma-single-run
- Start karma, run tests, watch for changes, re-run tests.
gulp karma
- Start local web server.
gulp serve
- Start live watch processes (code linting, server restart, live reload)
gulp watch
- Open Web Browser and enable the livereload.com plugin.
- Protractor is the end-to-end test framework.
- Steps:
- Generate a valid JWT token for the tests to use
- Start the web app
- Start Web Driver
- Start the Tests
Generate a valid JWT token for the tests to use.
In the command below, you need to use the current (and valid) user_id.txt test fixture from the ride-share-market-api repo.
- Open a console
cd ride-share-market-api
var jwtManager = require('./httpd/lib/jwt/jwtManager')
var token = jwtManager.issueToken({name: 'Net Citizen', id: 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'});
- Create the new file and Copy/Paste the JWT to test/fixtures/e2e-jwt.txt
Start the web app
- Console 1:
gulp serve
Start Web Driver
- Note: Currently the e2e tests need to run with Node.js v0.10.3x due to this issue
- Console 2:
- Use Node v0.10.3x
nvm install 0.10.31
nvm use 0.10.31
npm install -g protractor
npm install webdriver-manager
webdriver-manager update && webdriver-manager start
Start the Tests
- Console 3:
- Use Node v0.10.3x
nvm use 0.10.31
- Run all tests.
protractor config/protractor.conf.js
- Run a selected suite of tests from the config/protractor.conf.js file.
protractor config/protractor.conf.js --suite basic
Gulp task runner (WIP)
- Run all tests.
gulp test-e2e
- Run a selected suite of tests from the config/protractor.conf.js file.
gulp test-e2e --suite app
gulp test
- Cache Angular templates
- Compile CSS and JS scripts
- Prepare production index.html
gulp build
- Test out the build HTML/CSS/JS, start local server in vbx env:
NODE_ENV=vbx node server.js
- Open a browser tab at:
gulp build
./docker-build.sh x.x.x
ssh [email protected] '~/deploy-node-app.rb rsm-app:x.x.x'
- NPM Modules.
npm outdated --depth 0
- Then cherry pick and npm update one by one.
- Bower Modules with bower-update
Development Docker builds:
sudo docker build -t ride-share-market/rsm-app:x.x.x .
- Run the container locally for testing.
- Interactive with login.
sudo docker run -i --name rsm-app -p 3000:3000 -t ride-share-market/rsm-app:x.x.x /bin/bash
- Daemon mode.
sudo docker run -d --name rsm-app -p 3000:3000 -t ride-share-market/rsm-app:x.x.x
Production builds:
- Docker build, tag and push to local private repository.
./docker-build x.x.x